The kids

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    Once in a far away land were three girls Mira, Sira and Lira. All three were good friends who were always together.
     An honourable king ruled over this kingdom with his wife. The king though just was a bit ruthless in his methods.
       One day when the trio were playing infront of the castle their ball hit the queen taking a leisurely stroll in the extravagant and luxurious garden.
       The king furious demanded that the person responsible for this come forward. The trio scared didn't confess.
        But the king found out who was responsible and called the kids. He told them that they would have gotten a less severe punishment if they had come forward but as they hadn't they would receive a quite severe punishment.
        This only increased the fear in the trio's mind. The king now commanded that they turn into wishing stars and be able to grant any three wishes and die. They can only grant three wishes of a single person and their deadline ends within a day and the only way for their survival was to hope that the person whose wish they grant asked for selfless wishes.
        Now at these words suddenly the girls felt like they were turning into stars. The girls quickly discussed that while they have always been together they had to do this alone . This was because they had to cover multiple categories of people so that atleast one of them could survive. They emotionally hugged each other and went their seperate ways.

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