Trapped 2 Part 61

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"I pulled the tags, and I know whose truck it is," Shoupe told them, "You gonna pretend she ain't in there?" he questioned John B before shining the flashlight into the back, "Hey, Kie.  You drop your weed pen back there?" he asked, sarcastically.

Grimacing Kie lifted her head, "Found it thanks," she responded.

"Sheriff, I just want to say that this is all my fault," Pope spoke up leaning forward behind the driver's seat, "She had nothing to do with this.  I take one hundred percent responsibility."

"Nothing to do with it?  Uh-huh.  You wanna try that again?" Shoupe questioned, "Your parents reported the truck missing four hours ago, and the keys were missing from the house.  I'm taking you home," he told Kie, "Or I can pull you all in for leaving the scene of an accident."

"Okay," Kie responded holding her hands up in surrender.

"Good.  Plumb," he called, gesturing for his officer to open the back of the van.

"Alright," Kie said getting out of the van, "Hit me up later and make sure I'm still alive," she told them before Plumb slid the door shut and led Kie to a waiting police cruiser.

"Do you think we'll ever see her again?"

"Her parents are talking boarding school," Coral answered Sarah, "So probably not."

Pulling up to Tannyhill a few minutes later John B parked the van on the side of the road.  Moving to the wall separating the front yard from the road they could see the truck that Rafe had been driving sitting in the driveway near the front of the house.

"He's got the truck."

"Stay low!"

"How much do you wanna bet that Rafe has the cross inside that truck right now?" Pope questioned.  

"There's only one way to find out," Sarah told them before walking towards the front gate of Tannyhill.

"Hey, hey, wait," John B whispered, hurrying to catch up with her.

"Is he really doing this right now?" Coral muttered as they listened to John B beg forgiveness from the girl.  Rolling his eyes JJ shook his head, "Apparently," he replied as John B pulled the piece of bandana that was Sarah's from his pocket.

"I want you to have this back," John B told her, holding the bandana, "Will you take it?"

"Oh, they're making me nauseous," JJ whispered when Sarah reached up and kissed John B.

"Please, there is no one worse then you two," Pope said giving them all a disgusted look, "Hey!  Do you want me to perform your vows while you're at it?" Pope questioned sarcastically as John B practically skipped back to them.

"Seriously, Romeo, could you take any longer?  We're kind of on a time crunch," Coral reminded him as he gave her the finger.

"Oh, shit what is she doing?" JJ asked turning their attention to Sarah who was climbing onto the truck to look into the passenger side window.

Watching as she jumped down and then started gesturing to the house they all started frantically waving, "No, don't go inside!" Coral whisper shouted.

"She's going inside," JJ stated.  

"Thank you Captain Obvious!"

"Screw this I'm going over," John B decided as he began to climb the wall.  

"Yeah, let's go," JJ agreed as he cupped his hands to help boost Coral up.

"Yeah, let's go," JJ agreed as he cupped his hands to help boost Coral up

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