chapter one

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it was a sunny english after noon, the day the promise was broken and the worst part of it all was that, he promised me never to do what he did, he promised me I wouldn't be replaced, but he seemed to ignore it that day, because 10 minutes into the party he brought a blonde girl, and started to hang out with her more and more ever since that day

I've told everyone about the situation, and they have all ignored louis everytime he tries to speak to them, especially Millie, which was surprising because she is his co-star for the movie they are in together and if I were in her shoes, it wouldn't be pleasing

this just goes to show that the universe just hates me but it could just be the horrible decisions I've made throughout my entire life, like meeting louis for example

the bell rings and I rush to world history sitting down in the table I usually sit in, which consists of sadie, noah and millie (louis' sister)

starting to wonder where the teacher is, I'm interrupted by millie "y/n, I have some bad news for you, and it's gonna make the whole situation even more awkward' already knowing what she's going to say I respond "he's in this class, isn't he?"

all millie does in response is just nod, since she doesn't find any words to say back, and that's where he enters, the boy I've been wanting to avoid for the past year
he sits in the worst seat he could ever sit in, which is behind me, and sadie just gives me the look of "I feel bad for you"

the teacher finally walks in, and as soon as he does the class goes blank silent, as if the queen had just walked in, would've been cool if she did, so I could finally meet her in person and see if she's really as humble as people in this school make her out to be

for some weird reason the teacher doesn't start lecturing, he just sits in his seat, blankly staring at the screen in front of him

broken promiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora