I looked down as she washed the soap from my back. I kept biting my lip, I was sure it was bleeding by now.

"You're probably right, but I dug into him. Really badly. I didn't mean it. I just thought he was using me for favors."

"Did you-"

"No, all we ever did was make out."

"Ew. Gross."

I looked up to her with tears in my eyes.

"I hate you, Kie."

"Hey, I just bathed you. I think you owe me one."

"Thanks mom."

"Can you get dried off yourself?" She turned the shower off, drying her hands on the towel.

I nodded, wiping my eyes. "Seriously, I love you."

"I love you too. I'll be out here if you need anything."

I smiled as she shut the door, hearing her footsteps go outside. I stood up and stepped out of the bathtub. I dried my body off and looked into the mirror, seeing that my ribs were finally healing from my mom last week. They were a now nice brown color. I noticed that I was loosing weight, probably since I had barely eaten in the past week, let alone get up from bed. I saw John B had set clothes on the counter and I changed into them. I opened the door and hear yelling from the backyard.

"Come on. Come join me. I got this for us!" It was a voice I hadn't heard in over a week, and I felt my heart stop when I realized who it was.

I walk out on to the porch, not taking any further steps. Pope and Kie stood outside what was a hot tub. There were lights, sprinklers, floaties and bottles of champagne surrounding it. He stood in the middle, pouring champagne into a glass.

"There's a jet going straight into my butt right now." He had sunglasses on.

I could tell he was under the influence. He was trying to get them to join him.

"You spent it all? You could've used it to pay restitution! You could've saved you and Rachel's asses!" Pope called out to him.

"I wanted to treat my friends! Screw friends. I wanted to treat my family. I did this for you guys."

He was spiraling. I couldn't bare to see him this way. I stepped out into the yard, and saw him stop dead in his tracks. He took his shades off to look to me.

"Well if it isn't kook princess! Look what I got us honey! Brand new!" He patted the side of it.

"JJ, why?" Kie responded.

"I did this for us! How many times do I have to say that?" He stood up and I saw the bruising on his ribs and lower stomach. "I just wanted to make you happy." He looked to me with tears welling in his eyes.

"JJ, what the hell?" Popes expression changed.

"Did your dad do that?" I said with pain in my voice.

"Nothing we can't handle, cupcake. Right? We're both so strong, we could get through anything!"

"J." I stepped closer, up to the hot tub.

"Are you going to join? Please do."

"Come here."

"No, stop getting all emotional. I'm done with the emotional shit, I just want to have fun." His voice cracked.

I dropped into the hot tub, feeling the warm water getting me wet once again. I walk into him and he sinks into me, crying in my shoulder.

"Rachel, I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Please don't leave me."

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now