"Bakugo. This is Aizawa. Come to Nezu's office now, I need to speak to you," Aizawa's voice spoke through the phone.

"Whatever. I'm walking over there now," Bakugo grumbled as he began walking.

"Good," Aizawa spoke before he hung up.

Rin peeked her head out the door and watched as Bakugo walked away. She smirked and began walking out of the building. Once she was out she cleared her throat.

"Too easy, now to get back to base," Rin spoke as her voice changed back from Aizawa's.

"Mr. Aizawa? Where are you?" Bakugo asked as he walked to Nezu's office.

Bakugo raised a brow as he walked through the empty hall. He looked around looking for Kirishima and Aizawa. He realized they were nowhere to be found and everyone in the school had already left. 

"That wasn't Aizawa or Kirishima over the phone. Whoever called me must have a quirk that allows them to mock voices. They must have heard Aizawa and Kirishima before if they were able to mock their voice and speech. They also must've known about my relationships with both. They knew that I would listen to Aizawa and that I would speak to Kirishima..." Bakugo thought as he walked out of UA.

As he was walking he continued thinking. He walked with his hands in his pockets and a scowl on his face as he walked to his house. As he was walking his eyes widened.

"There's another traitor at UA," he thought as he walked up to his house. 

"Honey, I'm home!" Rin shouted as she walked into the base.

"Shut up!" Dabi yelled as he walked to the couch.

"I'm with bacon bits on this one," Shigaraki grumbled as he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Welcome back," Toga exclaimed with a smile. 

"I'm glad someone missed me," Rin said as she hugged Toga and stuck her tongue out at the two villains.

Rin let go of Toga and began walking to her room. As she was walking, she walked past Y/N. Y/N sniffed the air and turned to Rin with a straight face. She raised her brow and scanned Rin. Rin watched as Y/N scanned every inch of her and chuckled nervously.

"Whatcha doin'?" Rin asked.

"You smell like chlorine," Y/N deadpanned.

"What? I do?" Rin asked innocently as she sniffed her hair.

"You went swimming with Ururaka," Y/N spoke.

"Shh! All of class 1-A went, besides if I didn't go, I wouldn't have gotten some info," Rin said as she held up her index finger to her lips.

"Well, what was that information?" Y/N asked.

Rin looked behind Y/N and down the hall. She then turned her head and checked behind herself before she pulled Y/N into her room.

"What are you-" Y/N spoke as Rin shut the door behind her.

"I think Bakugo is onto me. If I'm right, I also think he may have told Midoriya something during the party because after Midoriya seemed upset and kind of... angry? I don't know but Bakugo is not going to stop investigating me until he finds out I'm the mole. He's smart so I don't doubt he'll find me eventually but I can't let that happen. Especially with the camp coming up," Rin explained.

Y/N nodded as she paced in Rin's room. She crossed her arms as she held her chin, thinking of a solution. 

"Let him find out. At the camp, of course. Shigaraki is planning on kidnapping him anyway so it won't matter since he'll see you at the base. Also, Bakugo is very stubborn when it comes to asking for help. Meaning, he most likely won't ask any heroes to help investigate you until he's got solid evidence against you..." Y/N spoke as she paced back and forth.

What is perfect?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora