Chapter 4: Going out of the house again <3

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Bosip sighed 'and I wanted to visit my farm today' he thought then went to the bathroom to do whatever people do there I've never been to one- (jk)

"So gay boy? What's he doing? Simping for a picture of you while jerking himself off?" Asked Wolfy.
" what the-?" "Oh look food is done!" Wolfy said with sparkling eyes.

"But-" before Bob could finish the smell of pancakes and waffles hit him. "Mmmmm~ it smells so gooooddd, I'm hungry"  "Same bro, yo Bofo can we come in?" Asked Wolfy hungry.

"Yes, Bob get the others please." Bob sprinted over to The second room which was Bowaev and Boder's room (they don't sleep in the same bed just boder sleeps on one half of the room and Bowaev on the other)

And knocked on it "BREAKFAST!! Wake up please Bowaev BODER WAKE THE FRICK UP!" Then he sprinted over to the next room (Bosip's room) "BOSIP HURRY UP THR BREAKFAST IS DONE!" "Yeah sorry Bob I'm coming." Bosip opened the door 'how did he open it so fast-' thought Bob but got interrupted by Bosip hugging him. He got used to it so he hugged back happily.

"Poggers, I'll have to go now There still are two sleeping. See ya Bosip!" Then he let go of the hug and sprinted over to the forth door. (Yo this boy is doing sports). He wanted to knock on the door, but before he could knock the door opened and revealed an edgy Bobot like usual.

"Uh- breakfast is done...?" Then Bob just walked to the sixt door. (His room was the fifth door). "YO ASSHOLE ITS BREAKFAST TIME!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP IM COMING!" "YOU TWO SHUT UP BOWAEV IS LISTENING!" Screamed Bofo making Bob and Bobal shut up.

Bob then sprinted the hallway back to the kitchen.
"*huff huff* finally-" then he collapsed on the table. "That's gay dude." "WHAT!? WHATS GAY WITH THAT?!" "You" Bob just looked at her and shut himself up.

And of course Bobal, being the best support in the world laughed his ass of. "Bro she is saying the truth daaammmnnnn." "I hate you so much, Bobal go fuck yourself." *spray* "kspskajoqlajsiqkbsoqhsoabzkahao"
⬆️ when ur out of ideas⬆️

✨After Breakfast (nothing happened they were just talking about whatever you decide)oh and Bob and Wolfy changed clothes ✨

"So where exactly are we going?" Asked Bosip. "Oh we're just going to......uhhh...." Wolfy stood still. She forgot what she wanted to show them. "Aw come oooonnnn don't tell me your really forgot! Try to Remember it!" "Bob don't yell at her. Hey, it's okay that you don't know, we can go somewhere else."

"OH! I know! I bought some tickets online and wanted to ask you two if you wanted to come, that's why I went to bob in the Friday Night Funking world... it's okay if you two don't-"

Before she could finish Bob stopped her. "Of course we'll come! Right Bosip?" "Of course no need to worry Wolfy you can count on us." Said Bosip patting her. "Thank you two for making me not waste my money on three fucking expensive tickets." Then she hugged both smiling happily.
"No probs " "no problem"
Imagine it being like in that Luca movie where Gulia hugs Alberto and Luca(those three🛐💞)

I want to end it here but nah anyways

[After the hug]

"Anyways! It's tomorrow, so im going home real quick and pick up some clothes then we can do whatever you two gays want." Before Bob 'n Bosip could protest she shushed them.

"Hey! What if we sing chug jug with you!" Suggested Wolfy. "Yeah that sounds nice." "NO! Fortnite is for noobs! (Not true but pssshhht)

"Come on bob, give it a try, I'll sing with you okay? We can do 1 vs 2 if you want." Said Bosip softer than usual. Bob groaned. "Ughh" (bob =tankman confirmed )

[Discontinued..]That's Poggers, bro (Bob x Bosip)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat