• ↞Chapter 1: Fake Friends↠ •

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Please correct any of my spelling mistakes, thanks✌️

|UA dorms|

|Third persons POV|

Izuku yawned as he walked down the stairs, he had just woken up and gotten dressed for school and he was now on his way to the common room to meet his friends, walking up to them he put on a cheery smile and greeted them. 

"Good morning Midoriya!" Iida welcomed, waving his arms up and down in an almost robotic way. Izuku responded with a wave and a smile. 

"Good morning Deku~kun!" Uraraka greeted as she grabbed onto his arm, she had the top two buttons of her shirt undone so her chest was on display. She smiled and blushed as Izuku looked down, awkwardly at her.

"H-hey Ochacko~chan," the boy stuttered as he attempted to get his arm out of her grasp. 

"Can you meet me outside the back of the school at the end of the day?" she asked, "I have something I want to tell you... pretty please?" 

"U-uh, sure?" He replied. To say he was confused was an understatement. 

"Great!" She said as she let go of his arm and skipped off to class. 

Izuku was brought out of his miniature daydream when the bell rang, signaling that class had ended for the day. He packed up his things and began his way to the dorms when he remembered what Ochako had asked him earlier, sighing he turned around and headed for the back of the school.

When he arrived he was met with a very nervous-looking Ochako, she still had her shirt undone and she was blushing furiously as she paced around in circles, mumbling to herself. 

"Uh... Ochako~chan?" he asked, startling the girl, she jumped and turned around to face him, still blushing. "Y-you had something to tell me?"

"Yes! Um... I was wondering.." she began as she fiddled with her fingers, "if um... you'd like to be my boyfriend?" She looked up at Izuku hopefully. 

"Uh- I-I'm sorry Ochako~chan, but I'm gay and well- I only view you as a friend, I hope we can stay friends though!" He stuttered as he looked at his friend who looked to be on the verge of tears. 

"No!" She retorted as she threw her arms around Izuku's neck, "you will be mine!"

Before Izuku could protest she kissed him, slamming her lips into his, attempting to force her tongue into his mouth. He roughly pushed her off and wiped his lips with his sleeve. 

"What the fuck Uraraka!?" He shouted, earning a shocked expression from the other, it only lasted for a moment though. 

"Just be mine Deku~kun! I promise it'll be worth it," she said as she approached him, now over the shock as she gently slid her hand down his thigh. "Just let me show you it's worth it!" Izuku shoved her off of him and slapped her across the face. 

"Don't touch me," he spat as he walked away from the now crying girl and back to his dorm. He couldn't believe what Ochako had just done, he thought he could trust her. He balled himself up and cried, he let it all out, he sobbed and sobbed until he couldn't anymore, eventually drifting off to sleep.

Izuku woke up in a bad mood, he had basically cried himself to sleep last night and his head was still throbbing from it. He grumbled to himself as he put on casual clothes, it was Sunday which meant no school. He grabbed his phone and walked down into the kitchen, not really paying attention to his surroundings as he scrolled through Herogram... That was until he heard a whisper.

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