𝐘𝟑~ Tea Leaves & Buckbeak

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"Please don't let this be a trap," Y/N prayed.

Y/N climbed through the door and saw an oddly weird yet amazing classroom.

It looked like a tea shop, a few tables and seats that were cushions and it had an odd scent.

There was no Professor around, which Y/N find quite odd as well as the rest of the Gryffindors.

"Hermione, Y/N!"

Ron and Harry were sitting at a table near the front of the classroom.

"When did you both get here?" said Y/N, sitting down next to Harry.

"Not so long ago," said Ron. "You both arrived five minutes after we did."

Parvati and Lavender climbed through the trapdoor.

"Welcome to Divination my dears!"

Harry, who was resting his head on his arms, jumped and looked around.

"In this room you shall explore the noble art of Divination! In this room you shall discover if you posses the sight!" she moved along, knocking into her table. "I am Professor Trelawney! Together we shall cast ourselves into the future!"

Professor Trelawney did an excited hand gesture. "Today we will examine each other's tea leaves! Now grab your partners cup and flip through your books, a line waiting to be read! But first you must look beyond!"

She made another mysterious gesture as though swatting away flies.

"Oh what a load of rubbish," Hermione complained.

Lavender and Parvati thought otherwise, they looked at Professor Trelawney in awe.

There was a clatter of getting the fragile tea cups before the Gryffindors, Y/N and Hermione switched and Ron and Harry did as well.

Professor Trelawney went around, chatting loudly and dramatically with the Gryffindors when at last she came over to where the Quaret were sitting.

"You my boy!" she told Ron who backed away slightly. "Are you in the beyond!? I think you are!"

Ron nodded, looking terrified. "Sure."

"Look at the cup! Tell me what you see!"

Ron blinked. "Oh yeah. Uh well...Harry's got a sort of wonky cross."

Harry raised his eyebrows in confusion and Y/N snorted.

Hermione was smiling, shaking her head in disapproval.


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"...thats suffering...and that could be the sun which is happiness," said Ron, looking utterly confused, he looked at Harry who raised his eyebrows at him teasingly. "So your going to suffer but your going to be...happy about it.."

Harry let out a chuckle.

"Give me the cup," said Professor Trelawney, Ron handed it too her and she let out a hoarse gasp and dropped the cup, letting it fall on the table.

Stolen Hearts (Harry Potter x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt