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The next morning I got up before Alexa and Kate were awake and I rushed to brush my hair and my teeth . I FLEW downstairs and started making our breakfeast I take out 6 eggs and and my fav bacon and a pack of sausages and 7 French toast and I went to work ... It's about 9:30 when the girls walked downstairs they look like divas coming down they thank me for making them a queen sized breakfeast and when I finish we all sat down and feasted . In between mouthfuls I ask my freinds for advice on witch dog I should get we finally come down on the adorable poodle . After breakfeast we got dressed and headed to the local pet stores and local animal shelter serching for the perfect poodle there were many heartbreaking momment's were I thought I almost got like 10 diffrent Breeds of dogs but my heart and mind was set on the perfect poodle I soon found the most adorable the most well trained and the most beautiful poodle ever she had a fluffy brown coat with a white splatters here and there she also had the cutest little snout it was round and stubby she was a little on the thin side but fed right she was utterly perfect. I bought her home and I also bout some Exspensive clothes for her and we all cracked up when we put the booties on her feet 😂.she was the queen of the house after she sniffed every corner of my house she laid on her doggy bed and whatched tv and did tricks for treats while Kate and Alexa made the popcorn we seatled down for the night and drifted off to a deep lushes sleep
that engulfed me compleatly.
When I woke Alexa and Kate were no where to be found I slowly got up and walked to the kitchen with brownie right by my side. I found a pink sticky note in the fridge that read (~dear blue didn't want to overstay our welcome so we went home call us if u want to go to the mall later on tounight or the movies see u soon love ~KATE & ALEXA) I sat down with browni on my lap and cuddled her for a little then I went upstairs got dressed in a beautiful summer dress it was blue with shiny sequences and Rhine stones on it I ate some cereal and headed out the door.


SORRY GUYS IM NOT GONNA MAKE ANOUTHER CHAPTER duo to family resons it's tough please understand it's super hard for me so bear with me I'll try to do a CHAPTER next week so yea 💔😭I'm sorry please stay tuned

A girl with mixed feelings( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now