Wanda and Nat meeting Again

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After showing Wanda her room I made my way into the kitchen when I got there it was empty so I made my self a sandwich and sat on the kitchen counter , after a while Nat walked in .

"Hey Tasha " I said "Hey love " she replied walking over  towards me and then  kissing my forehead. Natasha and I used to date but then figured it was best if we stayed best friends. We do have what is considered a flirty relationship which is totally normal and the Avengers know about it. After a while Wanda walked in "Hey YN , Hey Nat" she said while walking towards the cupboard,"Hey Wands" I replied and Nat gave me a weird look and I whispered to her.  "She's joining the Avengers remember" and she nodded in response and Kissed my cheek and walked out .

"She's Still upset with me huh" she said sadly" Give her some time" I responded and Wanda just nodded.
After a while me and Wanda started talking about our life and catching up , she told me about stark and her family and then she told me about her brother and I comforted her , I told her about how my family literally sold their only daughter to hydra .
Some time passed by and Nat walked in once again, She walked over to us and playfully snatched my snack away stuffing her mouth. "Natasha I was enjoying that' I mumbled as to which she chuckled at. "So do u guys wanna watch a movie?" Wanda said looking uncomfortable, probably because of Nat not talking to her. "Sure" I responded.

Natasha approached me, her hand reaching out to grab my waist and lift me up. I was caught off guard, and before I could even try to move, she had me wrapped around her, my legs around her waist and my hands on her neck. Despite our flirty relationship, I wasn't expecting her to just pick me up. As she carried me into the living room, I wondered what had prompted her protective behavior. She usually only did that when she was worried about me or if I had specifically asked for her to protect me. But nothing seemed to be wrong, so why was she acting this way?

As we settled onto the couch, Natasha shot Wanda a menacing glare, causing her to change course and sit elsewhere, leaving the space next to us open. After I climbed off Natasha's lap and took my seat on the sofa, I noticed Natasha looking at me with a questioning expression. I simply shrugged it off and began watching Lucifer on the TV.(sorry to those who are religious and don't watch it)
After some time passed, Natasha announced she was going to grab snacks and got up to walk towards the kitchen. Not wanting to wait for her to return, I followed behind her, curious about what she was up to. 

"What's your problem with Wanda?" I asked, my tone a mix of annoyance and confusion as I watched her search for snacks. "You've been giving her the cold shoulder since she tried talking to you earlier, and you only said hi to me when you walked into the kitchen. Plus, you always only pick me up when you're being protective, but nothing is going on." I finished my statement, not wanting to get into the nuances of Wanda's past.

Natasha turned to me, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Because I don't trust her, especially around you YN," she said. "I don't want her to lose control and hurt you or even worse make you go through your worst fear YN. You think your nightmares seem real? Well, she can make them seem 10x more real. I'm just trying to protect you," Natasha said, her tone turning from affectionate to serious in an instant.Despite Natasha's protective nature, I had never seen her this insistent about someone's abilities. "I appreciate it, Nat, but I think Wanda is trying to make up for what she did. She won't hurt us." I said as I picked up the snacks and followed Natasha back to the couch. Though I didn't fully understand her concerns, I appreciated her concern for my safety.

Natasha's face showed expressions of both confusion and anger when I chose to sit next to Wanda instead of where I was sitting before. I simply brushed it off and offered Wanda some snacks.

After spending some time together, Wanda eventually drifted off to sleep, causing me to gently move her head to rest on one of the pillows on the couch. Natasha then turned off the TV and stood over me, indicating it was time for bed. I sighed a little, remembering that I had training the next day.

{btw the others are on a mission except Tony}

800 words

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