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Mikey stepped forwards. "Hansen-kun. I want to thank you for overseeing this fight today." He started. "Hah! If this fight sucks, I'm kicking all your asses." Hansen replied.

One of Hansen's guys then started to talk/yell. "BOTH TEAM'S REPRESENTATIVE STEP FORWARD!" He yelled. "Do you want to go, (F/N)?" Draken asked as he turned to (F/N).

"Nah. Your Toman's 2nd president. I'm the 3rd so you go." She said with a shrug. After what (F/N) said, Draken stepped forwards with Kazutora. 

(F/N) looked through Valhalla's gang and made eye contact with Baji and Kazutora.

"A 5 on 5 with your best guys or an all out melee with everyone? Which will it be?" Hansen asked. "Valhalla picked this fight with us. So you decide, Kazutora." Draken said.

"Huh?" Kazutora questioned. "We just have one condition! To rescue Baji Keisuke! If Toman wins this battle, we will take Baji back. That's all there is to it!" Draken announced.

"Huh? Baji joined our gang on his own. There's no taking him back now!" Kazutora yelled. "We're taking Baij back! That's all!" Draken stood his ground.

Kazutora started to get agitated so he clenched his fist. "You fucker. You think you're all hot shit?" He asked. Hansen saw that and stepped in. "Hey, don't start punching yet." He said.

When Hansen finished his sentence, Kazutora punched him twice. Hansen was now lying on the ground while everyone was in shock.

"Damn, what a lame ass. Overseer? Conditions? You guys think this is a game? We came here... To torture you punks to death!" Kazutora yelled.

"Shall we begin, Mikey!?" Hanma yelled to Mikey. "LET'S DO THIS, TOMAN!" Mikey yelled. Everyone started to run and fight.


-A BRAWL!? RIGHT NOW!? SHIT! WHERE'S (F/N)-CHAN!?- A guy from Valhalla popped up from behind me. "RRRRRAG!" The guy ran to me. "EEP!" I got punched to the floor.


Kazutora went in to punch Mikey but Draken blocked it. "You think you can take Mikey on? You're no way near his level!" Draken yelled. "Draken!" Kazutora yelled.

Footsteps came closer to them so Draken looked back and saw Hanma. "MIKEY! DIE MUTHA-FUCKAAA!" Kazutora yelled. (I wrote that straight from the manga. I love it.) Hanma then kicked Draken.

"Fuck!" Draken cursed. "HAHA! You got to deal with me now, Draken!" Hanma annouced. "Come get some, Hanma." Draken got pumped. "Mikey's all yours, Kazutora!" Hanma said to Kazutora.

Draken and Hanma had a stare down. "Let's have some fun, vice-leader." The latter said. "HELL YA! I can finally get serious for once!" Draken shouted with excitedment.

Back to Mikey and Kazutora, they were also having a stare down. "MIKEY! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR SO LONG!" The latter shouted. "I won't hold back, Kazutora." Mikey said, clamly.

(F/N) was just having the time of her life. A bunch of guys came rushing at her but they would be on the floor the next second. 

"Didn't she get stabbed!? How is she still moving so fast!?" "WHAT THE HELL!?" The guys complained.

One of the guys rushing at her was then thrown near Mikey, Draken, Kazutora, and Hanma. "LOOK OUT MIKEY, DRAKEN!" She shouted.

The said names and their fighter looked up to see an unconscious body flying to them. 

Luckly, they dodged it in time. "OI (F/N)! You gotta watch where you're punching the bodies!" Draken yelled. "SORRY!" She yelled back.


As I was on the floor I looked around still trying to find (F/N)-chan when I saw Kazutora-kun with Mikey-kun. -HUH!? MIKEY-KUN AND KAZUTORA-KUN ARE...-

My thoughts were cut off when the guy that punched me talked. "EYES OVER HERE, DUMBASS!" He yelled. And again I got punched. He then started to attack me. -OH SHIT! I'M A DEAD MEAT!-

Before he could hit me, Mitsuya-kun came to the rescue. He kicked the guy with ease. "Huh!?" I opened my eyes. "Get up, Takemicchi!" Mitsuya-kun placed his hand out for me.

"MITSUYA-KUN! YOU SAVED ME!" I took his hand. Mitsuya-kun then grabbed me by the collar. "YOU DUMBASS!" He yelled.


A guy came rushing at us. "RAAAAAGH!" Before he could hit us, Mitsuya-kun punched him. "SO QUIT GAWKING AND FIGHT!" He continued.

-That's right. I can't achieve anything if I get taken out here! Gotta focus on the enemy before me!- I then looked up and saw 2 scary guys before me.

-Wait, wait, WAIT, WAIT! The enemy before me? A low level puck like me fights with a real delinquent!? I CAN'T DO IT! IT'S TOO SCARY!- I thought.

"You scared?" I looked behind me and saw Chifuyu. "Just focus on the guy in front of you, partner." He said. 

"Chifuyu!" I called. "I'LL WATCH YOUR BACK! Everyone gets scared during a fight. What's important is... How do you handle it?" He asked.

After what Chifuyu said, a picture of Hina from the future came into my mind. I clenched my hands into fists. A guy came running to me. "DRAAAAAAAAAH!" I punched the guy.

"LET'S FUCKING DO THIS!" I yelled. "Heh heh." Chifuyu chuckled. A guy then punched me but I punched him back.

-If I don't do this, if I can't overcome this, then I can't stop the worst future from happening!- I got punched again.


"Mitsuya, (F/N), are you doing ok!?" Draken yelled. "YA!" Mitsuya answered. "DOES THESE BODIES MEAN ANYTHING!?" (F/N) yelled.

"There's too many of them." Mitsuya came closer to Draken. "We're already at a disadvantage in numbers. Toman's 150 versus Valhalla's 300." 

(F/N) also came closer to the 2. "Not only that, but they're older and stronger than us." She said. "Even if we captains can handle them, the guys below us can't." Mitsuya continued. 

"WAAAGH! STOP! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" "SHUT UP AND DIE!" They heard. Before the guy can punch the one on the floor Draken stepped in. 

"Welp, gotta get going then." (F/N) then started to fight again. "Draken!" The Toman guy ion the ground called.

"Get a hold of yourself. You can't win if you're panicking!" Draken said. "I wish I could do a damn thing about this! We're not as strong as you, Mikey, and (F/N). I'm sorry." The guy said. "I'll protect you guys!" He annoucned.

Hanma then called out to Draken. "WHAT'S THE MATTER, DRAKEN!? COME AND GET ME ALREADY!" Hanma yelled. Everyone in Toman around Draken started to lose morale. 

"Shit. We're losing morale." He then looked towards Hanma. "Looking pretty far away huh, boss?" He asked.

Just then, Draken heard Takemichi. "RAAAAAGH! COME GET ME ASSHOLES!" Takemichi yelled. "Takemicchi!?" Draken was shocked.

"No way in hell you're taking me down. I'm gonna finish this fight, you'll see. I'm gonna kick... ALL YOUR ASSES!" He announced. All the guys below the captains listen to Takemichi shocked too. 

He was starting to sway but Mitsuya caught him. "Not too shabby, Takemicchi." Mitsuya said. The guys started to gain their morale again. 

"Damn! We're pathetic." "What the fuck are we whining about?" "Who cares if they got numbers!?" "Ya. Let's do this!" "LET'S SHOW THEM WHAT TOMAN'S REALLY MADE OF!" They said.

Mitsuya then walked over to Draken with Takemichi. "Draken, they're fine now." Mitsuya said. 

"Looks like they don't need protection after all. Time to go on offensive. You've opened my eyes, Takemicchi." Draken said. "Huh?" Takemichi looked up. "Let's go, Hanma." Draken delcared.

REBOUND - TOKYO REVENGERSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora