Chapter 21 Mutant Tigers Raging Mankind

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    The tiger has a bright yellow skin, and the circles of patterns on his body are even more dazzling under the sun's rays. It is majestic and domineering. The pair of sharp fangs exposed outside makes people shudder.

    Five or six big tigers are chasing humans back and forth. I don’t know if they are teasing or predatory. Anyway, if they catch a human, they will hurt the killer. When they chase a human, they will use its hook-like sharp teeth to cut off the throat, or slap a man's spine.

    There are already a lot of bloodstains on the ground, and the well-equipped army and superpower team are also scrambling under the crush of this absolute strength.

    "Ah, save..."

    A middle-aged man just threw a fireball at the tiger, and he was rushed to bite his throat unexpectedly.

    The word help is not finished.

    Xia Zhijin lowered her eyes and couldn't bear to watch this bloody scene anymore, but she still thought about this scene and couldn't help nausea.

    Another woman was cut off by a paw of the tiger. When the tiger pounced on a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, Xia Zhijin couldn't stand it and threw a vine to temporarily bind the tiger's feet.

    She could slash and slash with zombies mercilessly, but she couldn't ignore the tragic situation of human beings indifferently.

    The boy ran away in a hurry, and Xia Zhijin didn't care about other frantic running.

    But her current strength is not enough to single-handedly challenge the tiger, she can only protect herself first.

    She took out a stack of charms left by Dao Master Qingzhi, and pasted two high-grade defensive charms on the front and back of her body, and posted two more to the fox.

    Originally, Jiu Qing was frightened and stupefied. After reacting, he immediately found a few defensive charms from his bag and pasted them on himself and Xia Zhihe.

    Xia Zhijin ran in the opposite direction of the fox and tiger, and talked to Xia Zhihe about his escape strategy as he ran.

    "Brother, let's run separately. We are too attracted to the tiger's eyes together. We will run away by ourselves first, and then gather at the same place."

    Xia Zhihe nodded and agreed with her thoughts, "Well, you must be careful and protect yourself. !"

    Xia Zhijin knew Xia Zhihe's temperament, if it weren't just for love, he would definitely not let him go, and would definitely protect himself desperately, so that the two of them would be at a greater risk.

    After Xia Zhihe agreed, he carried Jiu Qing under his armpit and ran down the mountain through a tiger that was cruelly killing humans.

    Xia Zhijin originally wanted to go deep into Laowang Mountain to find rare mutant plants.

    Now that the ferocious tigers are all down the mountain, it will be more convenient and safe to go up the mountain at this time to detect the baby.

    Xia Zhijin ran so fast, probably because he had dealt with a tiger just now, and the tiger caught her eye, and after biting off a person's throat, he started chasing Xia Zhijin and ran away.

    Xia Zhijin secretly said badly, and ran into the jungle instead.

    The trees in Laowang Mountain are very tall and dense, and the weeds are also deep, full of the chest height of Xia Zhijin, but because she has wood powers, she is not afraid of these plants.

    She almost wanted to climb a tree nearby to avoid the danger, but suddenly thought that the tiger seemed to be able to climb the tree, so she dismissed the idea and continued running, but she got rid of the tiger within ten minutes.

    But the jungle is not only full of vegetation, but also a lot of mosquitoes, snakes and ants. Fortunately, Xia Zhijin wore a set of long-sleeved pants yesterday. The cuffs and trousers were tightly tied, and he was not afraid of mosquito bites.

    Xia Zhijin picked up a wood stick from the ground to explore the way, and fiddled with the vegetation along the way. When he saw some rare vegetation that was not in the space, he picked it up into the space.

    Fruit trees with sweet and sour wild fruits, sharp barbed vines, some unknown but beautifully blooming flowers with a strong fragrance, and a few ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum.

    Xia Zhijin had a good harvest all the way down. Suddenly, the birds scattered in the forest, and she heard a creaking sound.

    ? What sound is this?

    Xia Zhijin pulled aside the haystack cautiously and curiously, and found a white-haired mouse in a dirt pit.

    Xia Zhijin quickly recalled the origin of this mouse. In the novel, the heroine Tang Qingrong has a great background in accepting a pet casually, and helped her a lot, which Xia Zhijin has always envied.

    Treasure mouse!

    This is a mutant animal!

    Xia Zhijin took the mouse with his eyes closed and took a closer look. This was indeed one of Tang Qingrong's favorite treasure hunters, and was only found in Xiuxian's novels.

    When the treasure hunter was a child, he would only babble and only eat jade. The Xia Zhijin in the novel saw that the white mouse is cute and fed him a lot of precious jade.

    It has a pair of shiny black eyes, two small mouths are very cute, Xia Zhijin gently poked the mouse's tail with her fingertips, and it slowly opened its eyes, as bright as described in the novel. .

    After the treasure hunter grows up, it can search for all kinds of treasures for its owner. It depends on its unusual eyes. As long as there are treasures within its sight, it will scream excitedly.

    Xia Zhijin held the mouse in her hand and didn't know how happy she was. If she has a mouse, then the baby will definitely have a foot in the future.

    When Xia Zhijin thought of those treasures that Tang Qingrong would have in the future, his heart itched, and the white mouse on his opponent became more affectionate and took some Lingtan water to feed it.

    This scene was clearly seen by the fox on Xia Zhijin's shoulders.

    The fox wrapped Xia Zhijin's white and slender neck with his big furry tail, hugged her shoulders with two paws, and whispered: "No, you can't raise mice. You have me. I like you so much. "

Raise a fox male partner in Doomsday (MTL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora