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as i'm writing this rn i'm still deciding if things r gonna get steamy or not ANYWAYS LMAO by the way this takes place the day after what happened, at kates house (we're gonna act like the kids were at kates house ok ik i messed up lmaoo)


     kate was babysitting. and she was involving them in her drug dealing. yay! "if i ever need a babysitter remind me to not hire you." i tease. "what? it's not like it's hurting them or anything." kate jokes. i sit on the couch next to simon, who's watching the news. all that's on the news is more news reporters talking about the mall incident.

     "what do you think happened?" i ask simon. "i think he was high" simon bites his nails. he's cute when he bites his nails. he's wearing that black nail polish. i always found it hot when guys wore nail polish. it was like a sign of femininity. i was too caught up in his nails to realize he asked me a question.

     "maddie? you in there?" he waved his hand. "shit, yeah sorry, what'd you say?" "look we get it, i'm hot. no need to stare" he seems proud of himself. asshole. "oh shut up" i tease. "i asked you, what do YOU think really happened?" simon finally asks. "i'm starting to actually believe in the witch" i stare at the tv, and then look back at simon. then i realize, he hasn't changed.

     "simon, are you wearing the same shirt from last night?" "i had to work a double shift and this was all i had in the car. so yes, yes i am" he replies. "ew. gross" kate says "simon, take that off." i order. "alright, m'lady" he stand up and takes his shirt off. "yep, i can't watch this." kate walks away. then, simon sits back down. "dude put a shirt back ON" "make up your mind woman!" he jokes, putting his arms in the air, and i start to walk away.

     "wait, maddie?" he calls out and i look back. "yeah?" i slowly walk back. "can we talk? for real this time?" he actually looks sincere. "about?" i ask, already knowing what he's talking about. "quit pretending you don't know what i'm taking about." i sit down next to him on the couch.

     "because i like you, maddie! and i know you like me too, so could we just quit ignoring it and pretending we're just friends?" he basically yells at me.

    finally. that's my first thought. but he didn't have to yell at me! but finally. god i've liked simon since like the 6th grade and this idiot doesn't know how to take a hint.

     "oh so now you're realizing?" i tilt my head and he looks confused. "oh come on, simon! i've liked you since we were like 13! just because all of a sudden you're realizing that you feel something for me, doesn't mean to get mad at me for not making the first move!" i'm basically pacing around the living room when but when i finish my sentence i stop in front of him. "maddie, i wasn't getting mad at you." he sighed. "i know" i look down at him. "so why don't we do something about it now?" i smirk, basically hovering over him.

     suddenly, this bitch grabs my waist, pulls me onto his lap, and starts making out with me. mid kiss i take my shirt off, so now i'm sitting here, making out with simon kalivoda shirtless. right when we were getting into it i hear "oh HELL no" i jump and turn around, still holding on to simons face. i see kate standing there. "nope. not today. not on MY couch. i'm done. goodbye" she walks out again. simon and i look at each other and we can't keep a straight face so we just laugh.

"oh come on, does kate have to ruin all the fun?" simon says as i start to put my shirt back on. "simon, we can't. we're in the middle of kate's living room for gods sake, and there's children here!" i giggle. "alright finee" simon puts his bloody shirt back on, kisses my forehead, and walks out of the living room.

holy. fucking. shit! wait, then he kissed my forehead? does this mean we're like, dating? i don't even know anymore. once my shirts on i go to the dining room to see kate on the phone with someone, standing by the window. and simon goes to grab something from her kitchen. all of a sudden, we hear crashing from the living room. simon comes back and we all look at each other.

"what the fuck?" i whisper "shh!" kate shushes me as we slowly tip toe to the living room. "stay here" simon turns around and whispers to me. i roll my eyes and sneak behind him when he turns around. we look and it's someone in a FUCKING skull mask digging through the laundry. kate was about to say something before i pulled her back "dude this is fucking insane. call the cops or something" i whisper. "i got this" she turns back around and to our surprise, he's gone.

"holy fucking shit, deena was right. she said that peter, the sunnyvale prick, was outside her house with a skull mask on. and he had a fucking knife!" kate looked super pissed. "wait, that was peter?" simon asked and i was about to ask the same thing. "that asshole" i start pacing. "cmon, we gotta bring the kids to mrs. lane.


time - simon kalivoda Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin