Hanamaki: I... actually I got hired two months ago.. not a part time job... but an actual job in a start up company... and I've been working there that's why I never come during day time these days...

I look at him surprised by the happy news. It's been a while since Takahiro talked to me about job apply.

One time he told me that he was insecure looking at his friends who already got a job but he still unemployed. That's why after that I stop asking him about a job unless he tell me first.

Y/N: Takahiro, congratulation... I'm so happy to hear that...

Y/N's mom: yes, this is such a happy day...

We all praise him and tell him that he work hard to be where he is right now. As we talk suddenly Takahiro reaches out and take my hand, holds it in his bigger one.

Y/N: T-Takahiro?

I was surprised and shy because mom and dad are in front of us.

Y/N's mom: oooh~

Y/N's dad: I see you're becoming more daring, young man...

Hanamaki: well... sir... actually I have something to say to you...

Suddenly the room ambience changed. Dad stares at Takahiro before nodding his head, telling him to keep talking.

Hanamaki: well, the thing is... ten years ago... you told me that I need to hold myself from touching Y/N...

Dad seems like reminiscing about what Takahiro means and nods.

Y/N's dad: yes, I remember... quite the unpleasant sight at the time for me...

Takahiro chuckles when he hears this, and my face turns red remembering the day dad saw me in Takahiro's lap.

Takahiro: you forbid me from beeing too intimate with Y/N unless...

I can see that Takahiro's hand moving and look for something in his pocket. I can feel that his hand that holds mine shakes a little. Takahiro steals a glance at me and our eyes met, how he looks nervous but his eyes looks so gentle.

In a sec, Takahiro puts a small velvet box on the table.

Dub dub

Now, I'm the one who became nervous and excited.

Hanamaki: you told me that if I want to be closer with her... I have to come to you with a ring... and ask her hand in marriage...

Dub dub

My heart is beating faster by now and I can feel my eyes becoming warm.

Hanamaki: I... got a job with a decent amount of pay... I know it's not excessive, but I'll try my best for her to be happy... I've look for an apartment and found a nice small two bedrooms apartment not far too far from here...

Takahiro intertwined our fingers, getting my attention aimed at our joined hands.

Hanamaki: this might not be the pretiest ring around... but I'll do my best to cover the lack of it with my utmost care for Y/N....


Father looks straight at Takahiro, listening to every words he said.

Hanamaki: that's why... allow me to be closer with your daughter... Allow me to take over your place to take care of her... please...

Takahiro bows his head and finally clearly stated what he wanted to do.

Hanamaki: please... Allow me to take your daughter as my wife, sir...

Suddenly Claimed (Hanamaki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now