Bắt đầu từ đầu

M-My my, I should not have let you go.

Ina awkwardly sings somehow, letting out a burst of laughter as Gura pulls back with a giggle too.

As the song continues on, Gura and Kiara continue their impromptu dance routine as Ame stumbles to join in, laughing at herself when she remembers that she's not the best at dancing. Despite how off pitch they were together, they chorused together with a smile. Every word was belted out with pride despite how bad they sounded. Ina joined too shortly after, softly singing only for Enma's ears.

"Come on Calli! Sing!"

"A- Uh- Okay! Whatever!" Calli growls, sighing as she starts to go along with the lyrics, peeking at Enma. She mouths 'You too!' to her in between a pause, singing along with the girls again.

With both Ina and Calli looking up at her, Enma finally gives in with an exasperated sigh and sings along too.

Soon enough, they became a beautifully horrid choir of excitable girls who had never sung a day in their life... But they didn't care. It was all in good fun.

They sang some more. Some group songs and some solo songs.

Kiara especially sang the most, excitably singing along to pop songs and classic old songs. She somehow enticed the rest to sing with her even if they were too shy or weren't too familiar with the words. Sometimes she'd take the lead, doing a solo if there was a song no one knew.

Amelia sang only when there were grouped songs, claiming that she wasn't a good singer. She sang some duets with Gura, making some beautiful renditions of love songs even if they weren't always in tune.

Gura did many solos during the session from Japanese songs like Plastic Love and iconic songs like Country Roads which the girls clapped to and watched in awe. She took most of the spotlight for the afternoon, seeming to have the most skill out of them.

Calli takes the microphone, tapping the tablet's screen to put on a rap song. The beat pounded, vibrating through the floor and sofas. The girls couldn't help but bounce their head to it. As the introduction finishes and the back singers finish, Calli takes a breath:

I've created a monster

'Cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more

They want Shady, I'm chopped liver

Well if you want Shady, this is what I'll give you

A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor

Some vodka that'll jump start my heart quicker

Than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital


She starts explosively, almost yelling into the microphone with anger. Her abrasive tone energises the group, cheering and egging the girl on to continue. Despite her being slightly off beat, Calli somehow stays close to Eminem's timing with how quick it can be and how clever his rhyming schemes would be.

Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
'Cause we need a little, controversy
'Cause it feels so empty, without me
I said "This looks like a job for me"
So everybody, just follow me
'Cause we need a little, controversy
'Cause it feels so empty, without me

"Let's go, Calli!" Kiara laughs as she claps, smiling giddily as she watches with a sparkle in her eye.

For a second, Ina catches it, furrowing her brows and leaning her head down as she waits for the intense song to finish. She feels the beat fill her heart, Calli's voice bringing it to the brim. Any time Calli flubs the lyrics, her giggle- oh, her giggle would only pierce her heart into its coffin.

Welcoming Death - Hololive Fanfiction [CANCELLED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ