Life without having a Pokemon... #1

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*beep* *beep* *beep*

My eyes shot wide open and I smash my clock to stop the noise, I didn't bother to stretch so I just yawn instead. I get up from my bed and get a beer-

Wait no, coffee, yeah coffee is better for the morning. Anyways, I went to my living room and turn on the TV watching news about pokemon. I sigh didn't wanted to bother hearing about pokemon new species, fighting, event, tournaments and etc.

Y/N: ugh... pokemon, pokemon, pokemon... Digimon? Eh whatever...

I keep changing the channel until I reach Food Network watching Master Chef. Probably the greatest cooking show in my opinion.

Y/N: I wonder where did they get meat that look so good!... oh wait I don't wanna know. :(

Now for people who reading this and wondering "Where is your pokemon?" Well, I'm gonna be honest with you all people...

I don't own one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yea I said it. (In my head)

I smirk to myself I look at the clock seeing its almost lunch time.

Y/N: Jesus, have I watch the show for too long? I guess I have to take a walk then.

I went outside and head to the park.

I'll explain why I don't own one.

It's because I don't want it.

When I was kid like 9 or 10 years old perhaps?



Y/N: Mom! Dad! Look what I draw!

I show to my parents my drawing showing Charazard vs Lucario having a battle at the tournament.

Y/N: When I get older I wanna be the best pokemon trainer just like my cousin Ash!

Mom: That sweet Y/N!

Dad: Thats an awesome drawing! Hey, how about I'll let my pokemon squirtle play with you at the park.

Y/N: Wow really? This is my first time playing with a pokemon!

Dad: Yup! But don't worry, we'll watch you if anything goes wrong.


Me and squirtle having a lots of fun today! While in the park I can see my parents watching while seating on the bench I wave at them and they wave back at me.

Y/N: Wanna head to the river?

Squirtle: Squirt squirt?

Y/N: oh yeah... Hey dad! Can me and squirtle play near at the pond?

Mom and Dad were hesitate but my Dad gives me thumbs up.

Boy I made a big mistake...

Y/N: Yay! Come on squirtle!

As we both heading near a pond, something that made us instantly stop. The ground starting to vibrating, could it be an earthquake? I'm starting to get panicking while squirtle does the same.

Dad: Y/N! Squirtle! Get away from the pond!

I barely heard what my Dad said, the pond starting to rise until it splash towards both of us. I rub it off and I see biggest pokemon I have seen...

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