"What food u fancying" she said to Peter.

"Chinese" he smiled

Hannah pov:

Rage bubbled in my vains, he touched her he layed hands on her. I gripped the steering wheel as we drove home with the Chinese in the back.

"Hannah drive faster this food smells so good I'm gonna eat everyone's before we get home" Peter was bouncing about in his seat as he held the bags while I pulled up in the garage.

"Cmon then let's go" I smiled at Peter as we walked to the elevator when I felt someone grab my hand and pull me to a stop. I turned round to be face with Yelena.

"What is wrong with you"


"Why do you hate me one second and then care" she didn't have any emotions on her face.

"I love how you think I care" I laughed coldly as I got in the elevator leaving her there as guilt crept into my body as I looked at Peter stood next to me.

"That was way harsh Hannah" he looked at me with a sad sympathetic look

"I don't want to be hurt again Peter"

He just looked at me confused as I walked out the elevator to my room leaving him there.

I slammed my door locking it as I turned the shower on changing the lights to blue.

I felt the cool water run down my body as the feeling of regret and sadness crept into my stomach as tears dropped from my eyes to the floor.

Fuck why did I say that to her.

I changed into my pajamas and fell into a deep sleep trying to forget everything that's happened.

"Start from the beginning" I looked up to the man Infront of me interrogating


"You have to tell me what happened Hannah"

"She's dead, I told you she's dead"


"No. No buts she's dead okay I killed her I lost control and she's gone there's nothing to explain"

"How could you kill the only person who care about you" a man said as he walked in the room as the other one left.


"Well no one could love you, I mean look at you. You killed your sister. You didn't even try to save her you just incinerated her body, pathetic if you ask me"

"I couldn't save her"

"You killed her on purpose"

My body launched forward sitting myself up as I caught my breath. Panting I looked to see that it was about 6am.

"I have a feeling I'm not going to be going back to sleep" I muttered to myself as I dragged myself to the kitchen.

"Who the hell are you" I looked at the woman opening the fridge.

That's my hoodie, why is she wearing my hoodie.

"Oh hi I'm Olivia" she smiled at me.

"Why are you wearing my hoodie" my body went cold as I heard her answer

"Oh Yelena gave it to me after we- erm yeh I got cold being ya know... naked"

My body went cold but my hand went hot.

"what" I looked at her with murder in my eyes as I heard someone behind me say.

"Olivia i- Hannah"


I turned to face her then look at the random girl in the kitchen.

"Who the fuck is that" venom in my voice as I watched her body tremble slightly looking for the right words to say to me.

"I met her at the bar"

I turned to face the girl and in one movement I turned the jumper into fire and ash as It dropped to the ground off her body leaving her exposed.

"Enjoy your bitch" I felt sick my stomach was turning and my head was pounding.

"Hannah please-"

"NO"  I spun around looking at her anger shaking my body

"no" I pressed the button for my floor the anger in my body taking over as I reached my room.

I fell to my knees as all the glass and wood smashed in my room as all the pain I'm my body was released. Sending waves though the building.

I felt a drip drop down my chin as a piece of glass sliced my lip as bruise formed on my cheek bone.

Walking to my balcony I pulled out my packet of cigarettes as I let the smoke intoxicate my lungs. My blood from my lips dying the end of it with every puff I took.

My heart ached again.

She doesn't want me.


I hurt my own feeling writing this but I really like this chapter.

my darkness ~ Yelena.bOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora