everything has changed

31 3 10

Flynn pulled open the door and felt the blast of the air conditioner hit her face. She took her headphones out  and paused her music and walked up to the counter.

"Hi, what can I get you?" the  girl behind the cash register asked her.

"Hi, um, can I please have a iced caramel latte please? " Flynn replied.

"Of course! Can I have a name for your order?"


"Okay. Your drink will be out soon."


(literally this entire chapter is the last straw oh my god)

She turned to sit on a stool and placed her forearms on the table holding up her phone to face her as she pressed play on her phone and music began to stream through her headphones. pulling a binder out of her backpack and began on her homework.


She looked up and walked to the counter and the girl handed Flynn her drink and Flynn walked over and sat back down. After around 2 hours, she completed her homework and had ordered one more drink before she left.

"Thank you!" Flynn called out as she was walking out, looking back over her should to wave goodbye.


She walks right into a girl who lets out a shriek in surprise.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Flynn exclaimed.

She steps back as to give her room and looks at her. Her white cropped top stained with coffee. Flynn's eyes widen in horror and she rushes quickly to grab napkins to help her. Handing her the napkins, she keeps one, dabbing at her shirt to try and clean her shirt off.

"I'm so sorry." Flynn apologized again.

"It's okay. I'm fine" the girl laughs.

Carrie's POV

Help. Pretty girl. Talking to me. Well apologizing, she's still talking to me. Not much of a difference right. Play it cool, laugh it off.

"I'm so sorry." the girl apologized again.

"It's okay. I'm fine." I manage to laugh out.

Did that sound weird? God I hope not. She's pretty and if I was brave enough, I'd ask for her number. How do you even know if she's straight or not? I look at her backpack and there's a pride pin on it. Well now I know.

"You sure?" The girl asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes I'm sure. But I'd be more sure if I could have your number?" I ask hopefully.

What the hell does that mean? She's probably going to think I'm insane or some kind of weirdo. Big mistake. Why can't words be removed from memory?

Flynn's POV

Did she just-

She just did. Well at least I don't have to ask. I laugh a little at how ridiculous her way of asking me out was.

"Uh yeah sure." I smiled.

She lets out a breath of what seems like relief and I hand her my phone to put her number in. She hands it back when she's done and I look down at the name, Carrie. Cute name.

"Oh right! I'm Flynn by the way." I rush out.


It's silent for a minute before one of the people behind the counter shouts "Just kiss already!" and looks away quickly, laughing.

"Uhm, I'll pay for your coffee as an apology for that." I motion to her shirt.

"Okay sure!" she smiles.

I really hope that smile is going to be the reason I die inside a little more each day.

I buy her her drink and we sit down. it's an awkward silence at first until I speak up.

"Besides the fact I spilled coffee on you, how's your day  going?" I question.

"It's going well, how's yours?" she replies sweetly.

They call her name for the drink and we talk for a little longer until I have to leave. As I'm leaving, she speaks up and says "I'll text you!"


~3 hours later~


I pick up my phone and smile.

"Hey! It's Carrie!"

Carrie's POV

"Hey! It's Carrie!" I type into the phone.

Biting my lip anxiously, I put the phone face down and stand up and begin pacing the floor of my room.


I practically leap onto my bed. ITS HER.

"hi! :)"

A smiley face. that's good right?

Don't judge me yall. this one is old and has been sitting my drafts for months and I just heard this song on my phone and I was like holy shit let's post it. so here it is. Bye loves <3

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