Whenever You Remember...

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             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Whenever You Remember...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                                 Casey Marie Davis had a happy life, rich parent's, beautiful in every way popularity, But...None of that matter's to her, she could be the ricest prettiest most popular girl in the world, and it wouldnt matter to her.

The only  thing she really cared about was her best friend Jared  Drew Daniels, he was her sholder to cry on, her first crudh, he was her most trusted friend...

But when Casey is reported dead...Why does he forget all about her?

Casey was still alive and healthy, but when she went to tell everybody that it was a hoax...No one remembered her, not her parent's(who were never really around to begin with), not even Jared...

What will Casey do now that her life is ruined?

Her family...Gone, But most importantly what she coukdnt belive...



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