The car comes to a skidding halt, then more bullets begin to fly. Danny, Steve and Kris all fly out of the car and take cover. Danny and Kris end up going to the right, and Steve goes to the left. Danny picks up one of the AK's and continues to take cover. Someone shoots from the top of a container, causing Danny and Kris to whip around and shoot back at him, taking him down.

Kris hears a gunshot coming from Steve's direction and looks at Danny with wide eyes.

"Go! I've got this and I'll cover you." Kris nods, thanking him, then begins to sprint to the other end of the ship.

The sound of loud feet on metal gets her attention quickly, as she sees Steve chasing Hesse across a few of the containers a few hundred feet away from her. Cursing under her breath, she runs faster towards the containers so she can hopefully get a good shot in.

When Kris looks up next, she sees steve get taken down with a shot to the arm. She stops herself from calling out his name so she doesn't lose the element of surprise. Thankfully, Steve gets up right away, holding his left arm, and makes his way to Hesse, and takes him on in a hand-to-hand fight.

Kris holsters her gun and climbs up one of the shipping containers so she can get a better shot at Hesse. Her left arm sears in pain, but she pushes through it and makes it to the top of the shipping container, where she has a really good view of Hesse and Steve, who are still battling each other. Hesse then knocks Steve off of the shipping container with a kick to the head, sending him down to a truck a few feet below him. Kris looks down at Steve, who makes eye contact with her and nods, meaning that if she has the shot, take it.

Kris takes her gun out of her holster and cocks it again, as Steve shouts something at Hesse. Due to the wind blowing off the ocean, Kris cant hear it. She raises her gun and aims it at Hesse's chest, feeling her hands shake and her heartrate pick up.

'This is it. with one perfectly aimed shot, you will have avenged your father's death' she thinks to herself. She then takes a deep breath and pulls the trigger twice. From the truck, Steve does the same with his gun that he recovered.

Hesse stumbles back, and then falls off the shipping container and into the water. Steve quickly gets back up to his feet and looks back at Kris and nods, thanking her for having his back yet again. Steve then hops up to the shipping container that he was knocked off of and looks into the water, seeing the ripples in the waves where Hesse fell in. He stands there for a few moments, waiting to see if Hesse resurfaces.

He doesn't. Steve breathes a sigh of relief, but he doesn't feel any closure yet. He will feel it when Hesse's body is fished out of the water, and he sees his corpse for himself.

"Kris! Get on the horn with the coast guard. They need to find that body." Steve shouts. Kris nods and pulls out her phone.

Kris is about to call the Governor when Danny shouts over to Steve.

"Oi! What do you want me to do with this one?" He asks, while Hesse's accomplice squirms under him, trying to resist his arrest.

Steve grins from the top of the shipping container, dripping with blood from his forehead and arm.

"Book em, Danno." Steve replies, still with a grin on his face.

Danny sighs. "What did I tell you about that?"

Kris chuckles to herself and calls up the governor again, telling her that Hesse is down, but his body needs to be recovered. The governor tells her that the coast guard is on their way, so she needs to stay put and make sure that she tells them that herself.

"And Kris-" The governor says at the end of the call.

"You and Steve did a great job. Thank you for keeping the island safe. Your father would be very proud of you two." She says gratefully, and Kris smiles a little bit at the last remark about her father.

"Thank you, Ma'am."

"Keep up the great work. Take the rest of the day off. Come to my office tomorrow morning at about nine with Steve so we can discuss more about your team." The governor tells her.

"Yes Ma'am. See you then." Kris says, then ends the call. She tucks her phone back in her pocket, then hops down from the shipping container.

Within the next ten minutes, the coast guard arrives, and Kris fills them in on the situation, and that they need them to try and recover Hesse's body. She giver her cell phone number to them so they can reach her if they find anything, and thanks them for their help in advance. Thankfully. Danny Called HPD for backup so they can book Hesse's accomplice too.

Once the scene is officially handed over to Duke and HPD, Steve heads to the hospital in an ambulance to get looked at by doctors and to get his bullet wound patched up, leaving Danny and Kris to head back to HQ to meet up with Chin and Kono, who should be done at the warehouse with Sang Min by now.

The ride back to HQ is silent, as Kris is deep in thought about what just happened at the docks. Hesse's death still feels surreal to her, and she probably won't be able to feel any closure until his body is fished out of the water. Unfortunately, his body may never be fished out of the water- the ocean currents could have taken his body anywhere, so for the time being, Kris needs to act like he is still out there.

The Hesse brothers latched onto Steve and Kris like a melted piece of gum on their boots. It seemed that no matter how hard they tried, that they just couldn't get rid of the Hesse brothers completely. At this point, Kris' patience with them was running thinner than ever, and she was ready to jump in the water herself and go looking for Victor's body so this blood feud could be ended once and for all.

Sensing her internal turmoil, Danny looks over at Kris from the passenger seat.

"Hey, the coast guard is gonna find his body. Its over." Dany reassures her.

Kris readjusts her grip on the steering wheel, not realizing she was white knuckling it, and flexes her hands to get her flood flowing properly again. She can't think of something to say, so she just keeps looking at the road. The car is silent for a few moments.

"They are like parasites, Danny. I won't feel peace until I see his dead body for myself. We killed his brother. I don't think he will let a couple bullets stop him." Kris admits, now feeling a little sick to the stomach thinking about Hesse washing up on the shore and coming to the McGarrett house for vengeance.

"You two are Navy SEALs- you are more than capable of keeping yourselves safe. But now, you have us too. Sure, Chin, Kono and I aren't SEALs like you, but we have your back, okay? We even have your idiot brother's back too." Danny turns and tells her.

Thankfully, they are stopped at a light, so she turns back and looks at him too with a little smile on her face. "Thank you, Danno." She replies.

Danny glares at her. "what did I just say about that?" He asks.

Kris just winks and begins driving again.

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