35. Is this Love?

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"Also, it was you who gave me your umbrella the other day outside RK Studio when it suddenly started raining and the driver hadn't arrived with the car?"  She nodded again.

"Are you stalking me Miss?" Abhi asked mischievously and for a moment caught her off guard, but she soon replied back saying,

"No on the contrary I have been trying to say thank-you to you for so long, but you always seem to leave in a hurry!"

"Why would you want to thank me?" he asked surprised.

"You are the same man who saved my life after I fell off a bridge into the water, a few years back!" she replied with a small smile.

Abhi stared at her for a moment, he did remember saving someone indeed, while shooting for an advertisement, but he didn't quite remember the face of the woman, but now coming to think of it, yes indeed it was her! As he smiled in recognition, she smiled back at him with a strange expression.

"All this is nice, but you know Miss, my Daadi needs a medical professional honestly, but she keeps insisting you will be good for her - I understand you have met her a few times at the temple and have helped her climb up and down the steps, doing that and being a full time attendant to her is different - you think you can cope with this?" he asked her seriously.

"Yes, I am sure I can keep up. And also, please call me Pragya" she smiled, and her eyes again seemed to command him to trust her - and he simply did.

"Okay, you're on board err.. Pragya!"


"Not now Chashmish, in five minutes please!" he answered irritably while he pressed the remote furiously. Anytime he was going to beat Bunty in the race now.

"Nope, no more delays!" came the stern reply.

"Oh come-on chahci, you just cant see him beaten can you?" smirked Bunty from the side, and a suddenly distracted Abhi, turned to stare at the him - and in a moment Bunty screamed, "Aaannnddd I win again! How was it chachu!" Abhi and Pragya both laughed seeing his innocent mischief. Pragya chided him for cheating and laughingly handed Abhi his medicine, which he finally took obediently and gulped down with water.

It had been three months that Pragya had started working for them. She seemed to fit in their life as easily as if she belonged there. Abhi smiled remembering the first time he and Bunty had together teased her calling her chashmish', as she caught them cheating while playing snake and ladder with her! He has called her chashmish ever since! She helped Bunty and Bubbly with their academics along with taking care of Daadi, who was now as healthy as ever! She sometimes even helped Mithali bhabhi and Robin in preparing food, and not to mention, she had completely taken over his medication and diet charge too! She gelled with Purab like they were siblings and scorned at his music like it was pathetic! He was so used to seeing her in the house that it felt weird when she would go home on Sundays! He would end up calling everyone chashmish' and that would earn him smirks from everyone - everyone except Aaliya and Tanu. He wondered why three ladies never got along - he had seem Aaliya and Tanu sneer at chashmish' a couple of times, he would invariably go and save the situation, but he knew there was coldness there - even chashmish' didn't seem to be very fond of them!

It was when Abhi mistakenly called Robin chashmish' a few times before Bunty, that he picked up this habit of teasing his chachu with his Pragya Ma'am, but he would always do it privately and refer to her as chachi, but the young monkey knew no bound today! He called chashmish' - chachi - right in front of her! And to his dismay, she even responded at once! Was he thinking too much about it? Reading too much in between the lines? Probably! But it felt nice to be around chashmish' she was the only one who didn't behave with him like he was a Rockstar (apart from Aaliya and Daadi)!

AbhiGya Omnibus of One Shots : Season of Love |COMPLETE|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat