Part 1. Settled in.

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It was a nice sunny day. The birds are singing. The flowers are blooming. On days like these, it's good to move into a brand new house, and that is exactly what Kalel and Justin are doing right now. As Kalel walked in the door struggling to hold the big boxes he was carrying, Justin was setting their new kitchen up.

Kalel: "Oi! Can ya maybe lend a hand here?!"

Justin: "Oh yeah, sorry."

Justin then stopped what he was doing to go and help Kalel move the boxes. But then, Justin dabs on kalel!

Justin: "Hah, noob"

Kalel: "I hate you."

Kalel then falls to the ground, dropping the boxes as well. One of the boxes spilled out stuffed animals. A polar bear with no stuffing, a big bear from Build-A-Bitch workshop, and a small white tiger.

Justin: "You still like those things?"

Kalel: "They were a big part of my childhood so yes."

Justin: "Wow ok."

Justin snickerd as he actually helped kalel move the boxes into his new room.

Kalel: "I cant beilive we actually have our own house..."

Justin: "I know its crazy.."

Kalel: "I call dibs on the tv first."

Justin: "Oh come on!"

Kalel chuckled as he got done setting up his room. In a matter of time, the house was finished being set up. Kalel and Justin now have their own home. Kalel then ran to the couch and jumped on it, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. Once the tv turns on, an ad about how DcMonalds is hiring.

Kalel: "I guess we found our job while were here."

Justin: "Damn I wish we didnt have to work to put food on the plate"

Kalel: "Ikr we spent all our money on a moving truck and the house."

Justin: "Wait we dont even have food..."

Kalel: "Well we have a bit of money left over so let's go shopping."

Justin: "Aight"

Kalel and Justin then get up, get ready, and go out to walk to the store. They did not currently have a car, so they will have to walk to get places. Once at the store, They buy groceries. Notably, Chocolate chip cookies, Captain Brunch oops all berries and a baseball bat.

Justin: "Do we need the baseball bat?"

Kalel: "Yes, for protection."

Justin: "Were already protected" ;)

Kalel: "Don't make me hit you with this bat."

Justin: "Ok."

Kalel and Justin then got home, put their groceries away and went to make their beds. Once done, Kalel went to Justins room to talk.

Kalel: "Hey, Justin.. I know this I'd a big start for us right now... But please... Try your best to not eat all the god damn captain brunch again"


Kalel: "I know that's why I want some too."

Justin: "Fine."

Kalel: "Thanks" :)

Kalel then kissed Justin before going to his room.

Justin: "Damn lol"

Kalel played on his phone for a bit before finally putting it on charge at 3 AM and going to sleep.

Kalel and Justins dumbass adventures.Where stories live. Discover now