First meeting

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Short disclaimer : The picture is how i pictured y/n | Im still thinking about giving a part to play in the literal show like making it up as i go k. Lets get into action now.

[Takes place at Y/N house]

Fuyumi:  Y/N! Wake up its past noon and we have to go get a pick up my brother! 

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Fuyumi: Y/N! Wake up its past noon and we have to go get a pick up my brother! 

*As Y/N groans loudly and yawns *

Y/N: I'm cominggg! *she says while streaching out across her bed*

[ At least 15 minutes go by before Y/N comes out of her room fully dressed and ready ]

Fuyumi: Finally ! --* she'd say looking at her* Are you sure you wanna wear that ? The guy is a literal pervert-

Y/N: It's fine, i'll be fine. 

[ They leave and head towards a empty park across from a gas station arriving ]

Y/N: So anyways who is this mystery weirdo we're meeting up with ?

Fuyumi: He should be- *then comes a knock on the window, there stood a tall figure with white hair starting to lean down , looking in the window and smiling at Y/N. As Fuyumi raises down her window *

Fuyumi: Y/N meet my brother Natsuo--

Natsuo: Sup little sis, who's the beauty with you.

Y/N: I'm Y/N, nice to meet you.

Fuyumi: Natsuo stop staring at her and get in the car

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Fuyumi: Natsuo stop staring at her and get in the car.

[Natsuo would get in the car and they'd drive off heading back to Y/N's house]

Fuyumi: Natsuo please tell me you have a place to crash

*Natsuo would let a nervous giggle* 

Natsuo: Well you see Fuyu-- no? 

Y/N: Well you can stay at mine for a few days till you find a decent hotel.

Fuyumi: Interesting but absolutely not . This man is like a perv in a panties shop.

Natsuo: I- I'm not that bad !

 Y/N: Right well, even if he is that bad I can handle myself "Mother Fuyumi".

Fuyumi: Haha very funny, but honestly if he tries any funny business i'll be here before you can say "I".

Natsuo: I really wont do anything.

*Fuyumi would glare at him* Fuyumi: You better not.

[Still at  Y/N house , Natsuo has settled in and you're making dinner and Fuyumi went home. With Natsuo just now getting out the shower you have enough time to place the plates and go into your room to change ]

Natsuo: *he'd knock on your room door*  Y/N , what drink do you want with your dinner? 

 Y/N: [drink of your choice , mines is just water]

[You guys ate dinner NOTHING SEXUAL YET and went to bed so next day]

Y/N: Hey Natsuo, I have a college class to be at in 30 minutes could you drive me? 

*You'd say as you walked into his room to see him only dressed in a towel and you'd complete freeze*

Natsuo: Wow Y/N , the least you could do is close your eyes.

Y/N: Ah- shit ! Sorry! *You'd say rushing out the room when you run right into the wall and Natsuo catching you after you passing out*

[ A faint singing would be coming from behind you as you felt the warmth of someone snuggled behind you with there arm around you, as you start to open your eyes and wake]

Natsuo: Take it easy *He'd whisper in your ear softly*



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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