«HEY~» Al waved at Natsuo and Sota «You two are late, here is so hot that I'm boiling».

«S-sorry» Natsuo answered, scratching his head «It took me some time to get ready».

«Same goes for me» Sota said «Why don't we get indoors first?».

«YAY~» Al jumped out of joy «Let's go».

The three of them entered inside a mall, found a cafe inside it and took a seat.

While ordering the drinks Al asked them «So so, what she replied?».

«Well we-» Natsuo was about to speak but Sota interrupted him.

«She refused, I'm sorry» Sota said.

Those words came out on their own, he was rather confused by it. This was the plan he thought all the night but he never really thought the reasons behind it, he only felt better thinking in this way.

«W-?» Natsuo was interrupted again by Sota that stepped on his foot.


«REALLY?» Al hit his own forehead «NO WAY. SHE SAID NO».

He was shouting in English then he switched to Japanese «I WON'T GIVE UP, WE ARE IN THE SAME SCHOOL, I'LL HAVE A LOT OF CHANCES».

«K-keep in mind that she is shy» Sota said.

«I underestimated the shyness of Japanese girls» The blonde haired guy was with his face on the table crying goofily because of Rui's refusal.

Al raised is head from the table and asked Natsuo «What's wrong? You seem sad».

«I had some troubles in family» Natsuo lowered his eyes.

«Like a fight?» Al asked.

«Well sort of».

«Did you try to speak to them?».

«N-no, I'm not sure what to talk about» Natsuo then sighed.

«That's typical of Japanese people» Al said «You try to communicate without speaking. My parents divorced because they had the same problems. You are not espers, you have to say what you think or they will never know it».

«Then how about you going to Rui and speak to her?» Natsuo asked.

«N-No» Al said and then shook his hand «That's one thing, this is another one. These two situations are not the same».

«Well» Al said standing up «I'm going to the bathroom, wait for me».

Natsuo waited him to go and then asked Sota «Why you told him that?».

«You mean about Rui?» Sota asked back and Natsuo nodded «Well I thought it was the best answer to give him».

«B-but I don't see why...».

«I this is part of our plan, in this way he will introduce to her by himself at school, in a more normal environment and his chances of success will rise».

Sota was making up some excuses, he just felt unconformable with the idea of Rui and Al together.

«Well speaking about your problem» Sota tried to change topic of the discussion «You told me you had something to discuss, it was about that fight you were talking about before?».

«It isn't a fight» Natsuo lowered his face «It's more like... I...».

He wasn't how to properly explain what happened. He tried to think the best possible way to do it but he failed.

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