North Refrigeration

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they made it to the roof of the idea out and saw a wooden floorboard that would take them in. " come on, do something. you two are making me look stupid here" joker said as batman ignored him and slide down the ladder with nightingale. they look down a grass window that showed the ice burg lounge bellow them and saw penguin surrounded my biles of money along with his thugs. " what do we do about the bat and nightingale?" a thug asks penguin. " batman?! nightingale?! don't worry about them. there about to become extinct." the penguin said as some thugs laughed as one thug said, " yeah! we lost them! there nothing!" 

" you see. I told you. they couldn't even keep up with you two in a crappy little truck. there overrated! anyway, listen up! I've got something to say. as you're aware, and this truly breaks my heart, lads. we've been working with the there freaks to take down the bat; together. I know, I know. it's been hard. but, look on the bright side... we're bloody rich!" the penguin said as he laughed before throwing money in the air. " look at it all! lovely, lovely money! and it's all mine" the penguin said as one of the thugs who was counting money looked up and said, " what about our share?!" 

" don't worry, son. you'll get yours, I promise. now, any more stupid, bloody questions?" the penguin asks as he looked at his men. " what do we do next?!" a thug asks. " we wait. just keep handing out guns to any loser who comes in'ere with a first full of cash. this arrangement with scarecrow is strictly short-term. the clown's dead and batman soon will be. then Gotham's ours for the taking. and I am going to take, I want it all. if someone even looks at this city, I want my cut." penguin said, " then we kill dent and the others, right?" a thug said. " two-face killed my brother back in Arkham city! he should be dead, not robbing banks!" the thug said in anger. " now that's not very nice, is it?" the penguin said, " you don't pay us to be nice" the thug replied before the penguin laughed. " give this man a cigar! Of course, we're gonna kill that ugly, twisted son of a bitch! we're gonna kill'em all lads." the penguin said. 

batman and nightingale both looked at each other before catlin said, " let's find out where our daughter is?" they both slide down a vent grate to the lower vent as they sneaked below penguin and his thugs. " this is gonna be great. he doesn't even know you two are here. C'mon." joker said as he crawled next to batman. batman got under penguin before signaling nightingale to make sure none of the thugs got in his way. she nodded before they both jumped out of the vent, batman grabs penguin as nightingale took out a thug near them. 

" The Arkham Knight! (Y/N) Wayne!. tell us where they are?!" batman asks in anger. " so that's who's had? Wayne's little girl?" penguin asks in laughter before nightingale saw a thug charging towards them. she grabs the thug's arm and twisted it before kicking him in the chest. " I'll break every bone in your body, cobblepot." batman threatened, " they were going to see some geezer called Simon Stagg. I think he runs a pharmaceutical company or something!" penguin said before another charged at them. but nightingale flips and wrapped her legs around the thug's neck before throwing him to the ground. 

" Don't Lie To Me!" batman said in anger, " I'm not I swear! they said he's about to leave Gotham. those airships over the west river belong to 'im.!" penguin said as batman saw two thugs aiming guns at him. batman throws penguin at them before he was grabbed by two thugs and held down as nightingale was also grabbed. " scarecrow's going to break you" you are going down, heroes." penguin said as he left the building. " hold him steady, fellas. I've been working on my swing. you might want to watch and learn, sweetheart" a thug said to nightgale as he swings a bat with laughter as nightgale tried to help her husband but the thug's grip held her back. " gonna knock his head right outta the--" the thug started but then someone whistled drawing his attention before an arrow went flying and hits him int he arm making him cry in pain before falling to the ground. 

then Roy harper landed on the ground from above and smiled as he said, " this is you two handling it, right?" then a thug charged at Roy, but Roy smiled as made his bow from ingot a pole before hitting the thug with it before knocking him out. " don't worry, you two can thank me later" Roy finished before making his pole turn back into a bow and fired an arrow at the thug that was holding nightingale.  nightingale finished the thug off before she ran and kicked one of the thugs that were holding back before batman finished the two thugs off. " well, Oliver has been training him" nightingale said as they saw Roy fight the thugs as they began to fight as well. 

after they finished the last thug, Roy smiled as he tried to catch his breath, " well that was fun." he said. " we can't let any of these weapons get into the street. this cache needs to be destroyed." batman said as nightingale started to walk towards the vault storing the weapon cache. batman followed her but then before they walked in Roy stopped them. 

" guys, wait. you need to let me help" Roy said as he placed his bow on his back. " we had it under control. I told you, we need you back in starling city." batman replied as Roy rolled his eyes. " scarecrow, these weapons, this all effect starling city too. the best place for me is here. look, with the amount of weapons penguin has been running into Gotham, this cannot be everything." Roy said in anger. nightingale walked towards him and placed her hands on his shoulders and said, "I know you want to help be he must have other caches in the city. search this place for evidence. it should help us locate more of penguin's refrigeration trucks." Roy sighed before walking towards the truck and sat down as he counted the money. 

batman walked into the vault and saw joker sitting on the cache, " what a wanker. let's put 'im out of business eh. seriously? do you believe that accent? bet he only puts it on the sound scary." joker said as batman puts some explosive gel on the caches before walking out the vault. batman then started to close the vault door, " please! what are you doing? bats! C'mon! don't lock me in here! I'll do anything! you want your laundry done? I'll do it! help out Alfred! you got it!" joker said as he tried to run out of the vault but then the vault door locked and batman took a few steps back. 

batman turned and saw joker leaning on the vault door, "I wouldn't like to be THAT guy" joker jokes before he covered his ears before batman activated the explosive gell te the vault exploded destroy the cache. Roy sighed before he started sharpening his arrow before batman said, " we're going after (Y/N)". "I'll contact you as soon as I track down any of penguin's trucks" Roy replied as nightgale pats his back, " thanks Roy," she said with a warm smile. " anytime," Roy said as batman and nightingale began to walk away. but then Roy stood up and stopped them, " wait!" he called out. 

batman and nightingale turned to face him, " when you find (Y/N), let me know. I don't want to lose a friend like her" Roy said, " we will. I promise Roy" nightingale said before she and batman grappled up to the rooftop where they entrance from as Roy sighed. Roy then took out his phone and saw the photo of him, (Y/N) and Jason when they were all sidekick, he smiled at the memory of the photo before he placed the phone back in his pocket and got back to work. 

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