Meeting Mal

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You couldn't sleep. You thought about how bad that hit screwed Mike up. He was so out of it. And so were his alters, well obviously, it knocked out Manitoba.

Out of nowhere, you hear footsteps near the girl's room, you being paranoid went to investigate. What a shocker... It was Mike.. well you knew he was one of his personalities. He turned his head to see you walking out of the girl's rooms.
"Heyyy Mike!" You say whispering
"Hey uh, Uhm..." The personality stuttered
"Okay, so you're definitely not mike... Who are you Emo looking mike?" You quizzed
"Uhm... I have no clue what you mean uhm..." he stood there looking at you awkwardly. You chuckle at his expression. God was it funny. Did he genuinely think you'd fall for what ever that was?
"Welp what's your name... 'It's not a faze' Mike?"
"Ugh... you're kinda annoying"
"Well, "you're kinda annoying", I'm Y/N" you start "Nice to meet you" you put your hand out. He rolls his eyes. "Okay, fine, I'm mal," He really thought you will expose him.

"Welp, I'm tired... Night Mal!" You say yawning walking away. He just looked at you as if you're from a different planet. Why the hell did you just ignore the fact he exist and treated it hella normally? Mal was so fucking confused.

As you walked away you couldn't help but wonder what he was doing. But oh well, not your concern.

TrustWorthy//Mal x Reader !SLOW UPDATES!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ