18- The Yule Ball

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"You seem tense. Is it because of tonight?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, nervous and excited for the dance."

"No need to be nervous. I'll be right by your side," he assured, glancing around the table. "And so will Ron, of course."

I chuckled slightly, beginning to eat and make light conversation. As the meal went on, I realized that there was no reason to be awkward around Harry, we didn't even have to address the kiss. It didn't have to mean anything. Did it?

"Y/n, we should get ready now. It'd be clever to prepare," Hermione said, standing up and heading to the Slytherin table.

I watched her tap Pansy, recite persuasive lines, and walk away with my fellow friend while I attempted to catch up with them.

"I'm going to go grab my things and I'll meet you back in your dorm. What's the Slytherin password?" Hermione asked.

I looked at her in bewilderment as she raced to get things done. "Uh — oh — it's 'Polyjuice Potion.'"

She nodded and headed off to the Gryffindor common room, leaving Pansy and I to trudge along to our dorms.

I spoke the password and walked up the few stairs to our dorm, pulling out my shoes and my dress and placing them on my bed carefully.

I decided upon hopping in the shower to freshen up, Pansy doing the same directly after me. I threw on a robe, rather than my dress and as I was drying my hair, Hermione walked in, tears streaming down her face. I instantaneously stopped what I was going and walked over to her.

"What happened to you?"

"As I was walking here and Adrian Pucey stopped me in the hall. He then began flirting with me and I tried to get away but he continued grabbing my wrist and asking where I was going." She stopped to hiccup and I nodded for her to go on whenever she was ready. "When I finally got away, he threw his drink on my dress and now there is a large stain."

I widened my eyes. "Which part are you most upset about?"

"He ruined my dress!" she croaked.

I shook my head and whipped out my wand, casting a simple spell to fix the dress. She stared blankly at the formal clothing on her lap and continued wiping away her tears.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"You were stressed."

She nodded and all her sadness evaporated into the air while we got ready. Pansy hopped out of the shower and dried her hair.

We began doing our makeup. I did both of their makeup while Pansy did mine. Once I looked in the mirror I gasped at the beautiful girl staring back. Why had I never noticed that makeup makes me hot?

We stood around for quite some time, talking before we put on our dresses or styled our hair, as we still had a few hours. Daphne walked in with her dress and began getting ready herself.

"Daphne, would you like to get ready with us?"

She nodded and I gave her black smoky eyeshadow to contrast her light colored dress. She smiled brightly at her completed look and we finally decided upon placing our dresses on, one by one.

Hermione slipped hers on first and I smiled widely at her. We all squealed in excitement, anxious to put on our own dresses.

Pansy went second, pulling her green dress over her body. I thought it was too simple for a ball like this but she seemed to like it, so I encouraged her.

Daphne went third. She had a white dress that was tight but still extraordinarily cute. As she waltzed out of the bathroom to show us her dress, our eyes lit up and she seemed happier then ever.

Blood to Love | 4th yearWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu