Year 2000.

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"Ethics. Can someone tell me where this word originated from?" Shawn, who usually goes by Professor Weston, asks the class.

"It originates from the Ancient Greek word "ēthikós" which means relating to one's character." Someone answers.

"Correct. We're born with certain characteristics but can the majority of them be taught?"

A few hands goes up as he picks another student.

"Mr. Bell."

"Yes but it depends. For example, you don't teach morals, ethics, empathy, and kindness in the schools. You teach that at home and children learn by example. At least I did."

"So you're saying you were never taught to respect others and share at an early age by one of your early development instructors?" Another student butts in.

"I'm not saying that. I'm just saying I was taught at home first. Simple." He responds with a slight attitude.

I chuckle to myself enjoying the little heated debate. Turning back to Shawn, he smirks to himself while keeping heavy eye contact with me. Within the next second, he places his focus back onto the crowded room.

"Alright I can take that. Would anyone else like to add on to what Mr. Bell just shared?"

Choosing to drown out today's lesson, I focused on scribbling hearts in my notebook while getting lost in my own world. We're winding down to the end of the semester and I can't wait to walk across that stage with my degree.

I had my cap and gown fitting yesterday and that made everything seem so much more exciting. After three long collegiate years, I'll finally be done with my education. For good.

Shawn walks by my desk sliding a note onto my table.

Stop by after office hours.

I already knew what that meant.

I sigh to myself before crumbling it up. After class was over, I met up with my girls at the campus dining hall. A place where we like to meet up to gossip and eat good.

"Wassup mamacita." Valeria greets first.

I took a seat in the empty chair while responding.

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