Chapter 3: The Book

Start from the beginning

The creature groaned, laying his head on the table. Anxious fingers dug their way into his hair. He couldn't tell Philza it was him, not in a million years. Ranboo had the utmost respect for Philza Minecraft, especially in regards to how the man handled his troubled family. The humanoid was mortified of confessing to the old man, thinking it would put their father-son type bond in jeopardy. His role in the fire would have to remain a least, for now.

"No," the sentient lied. "No, I don't."

"Do you have any enemies, then?"

"Of course I have enemies, Phil," Ranboo replied. "Ever since Tubbo and I founded Snowchester, there've been people lining up to overthrow us."

Philza hummed in thought. "Burning your house down just doesn't make any sense," he commented, "especially since you're all the way out here."

Ranboo sighed, running a tired hand down his face. "All we wanted was a nice vacation for Michael, and then this happens..."

Philza reached across the table to place a reassuring hand on the boy's arm. "It'll be alright, Ranboo." Ranboo nodded more out of politeness than agreement. He certainly hoped it would be, but he had his doubts.

"Listen," Philza spoke, "Techno and I were going to go back to the house and see what can be salvaged. You can stay here if you like-"

Ranboo slid out of his chair to stand next to Philza, hands behind his back and feet shoulder-width apart. "No," the being answered. "I'm coming with you."

The elder paused. "Eh, okay, but someone has to stay here and watch the child. I'll have Techno go with you, and I'll stay with Michael."

Ranboo placed a hand on his father in-law's shoulder, offering him the gentlest of smiles. "Thanks, Phil." With that, the sentient was off, set on his way to revisit the once quaint house.

Little bit of Michael being adorable for you all

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Little bit of Michael being adorable for you all. <333

I wonder what Ranboo will find in the ashes?? Something important, perhaps??

RIP coffee mug. Vote to replace it Lol.

Also thank you so much for the attention this little story is getting. I did a lot of lore research today and yesterday, so there's gonna be a lot of interesting references!! Stay tuned!!

 I did a lot of lore research today and yesterday, so there's gonna be a lot of interesting references!! Stay tuned!!

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[Image Credits] "Coffee mug Refill" (Cropped Slightly) by Andy Rogers (

Midnight Arson (Platonic! Ranboo x Tubbo)Where stories live. Discover now