"Snoooooorrrreeee!!!" The ground shuddered slightly and dust fell from the Arc de Triomphe as the large Digimon that had been snoozing between its mighty arches since the portal opened weeks ago continued its seemingly eternal nap. Leathery black scales and deep muddy red wings gently undulated with the throws of deep snores. It's head capped by a silvery metal helm perfectly fitted to its draconic skull.
    This was Cyberdramon. The police and rescue services had tried to move the Digimon multiple times but it hadn't budged or woken up since its arrival in the human world unlike most Digimon who were out and about. So it slept with a gentle toothy grin on its lips as it dreamed. Unfortunately it was in for a rude awakening.
   Several blocks down Sunflomon ran along the street as up above Ladybug and chat Noir danced across the rooftops in pursuit of another akuma.
  "Dance and leap and pirouette! Frightengale will get you yet!" The akuma cackled cracking her whip at them.
  "I can't believe Gale of all people got akumatized again she's so nice and chipper." Chat flipped about dodging the magical weapon.
  "A Digimon got startled and blasted her stage, anyone would be angry after that." Ladybug sighed blocking another attack with the spin of her yo-yo, her lucky charm was in her off hand, a hair ribbon not unlike Marinette's own. She planned to use it to tie Frightengale's hands and hair tails together to bind her. If she could catch her.
  "Let's just end this quickly I'm in need of a cat nap." Blackgatomon threw another punch at the akuma but her devilish dance skills kept her out of the feline's range. "Stop dodging!"
  "Sunshine beam!" Sunflomon fired another ray of light trying to force the akuma into a position where the others could capture her but she dodged over instead in a gravity defying leap she landed atop the Arc De Triomphe cackling as she did.
   "You'll never stop my performance digi fools, Frightengale's the one who digi rules!"
  "Oh great now she's putting digi infront of everything." Ladybug cursed herself for not stopping this before it devolved this far.
  "Oh no!" Sunflomon exclaimed panic written across its face.
  "What is it Sunshine?" Blackgatomon followed the flower's look of fear and soon matched it. "Oh crap not him!"
  "What's up!?" Chat asked as he and Ladybug looked at the Digimon below Frightengale.
  The akuma too took note of the sleeping beast. "Hahaha! This beast will do! With its great power you'll be through!"
  "No dont!" Sunflomon yelped.
  "You don't know what you're doing!" The feline Digimon backed away.
  Frightengale cracked her whip down at cyberdramon the colossal creature growled angrily but didn't get up much to the akuma's annoyance. "Hey you lazy no good lizard, on your feet or I'll cook your gizzard!" Frightengale cracked her whip across the Digimon again harder.
  Pain shot through Cyberdramon's body and he rose quickly smashing into the top of the Arc. Now he was awake and very much not happy. The ultimate level Digimon scanned the area taking note of the heroes and Digimon present quickly noting each one that didn't have the capability to cause its awaken before its blank metal face looked up at Frightengale and her whip.
  "Up up up you desolate beast, time to earn yourself a feast!" Frightengale leapt up ready to continue the battle assuming the Digimon would follow. And it did. But not for the reason she thought. The ground cracking was the first warning. Ladybug and Chat Noir frozen in shock as the shadow rose over Frightengale blocking out the sun.
  "Wha?" She looked back at the colossal black shape that had in mere seconds gone from the street below to above her.
  "Cyber nail!"
   Cyberdramon spiked Frightengale like a volleyball straight into the pavement!
  "Gale!" Ladybug cried in stunned horror.
  "Me-ow for once it was a good thing someone was an akuma! A hit like that would have killed a normal person!" Chat stammered.
  "Cyberdramon is a ruthless destroyer he's only safe to be around when he's asleep." Sunflomon was shaking at the creature as it landed cracking the ground.
  "Ladybug the butterfly!" Chat called as the small bug fluttered out of the crater Frightengale had made.
  The hero of Paris dove in as quick as she could and snatched up the evil insect in her yo-yo. "Bye bye little butterfly." She smiled and threw her lucky charm into the air summoning the miraculous ladybugs to repair the damage.
  Cyberdramon growled at the swarms of bugs flying everywhere the flitting shapes annoyed him beyond reproach. How dare these beings interrupt his sleep! They would learn their lesson!
   Cyberdramon's roar shook all of Paris as Ladybug helped Gale to her feet healed by the ladybugs.
  "Run get to safety!" Ladybug called spinning her yo-yo into defensive mode.
  "What a magnificent beast!" Hawkmoth mused at the otherworldly rage bursting from the monster. "You will be a master piece with the power of my Akuma!" Another blackened butterfly appeared in the air flying toward the Digimon.
  Ladybug panicked and tried to sling the bug but Cyberdramon drunk on adrenaline and instinct spotted the akuma first.
  "Erase Claw!" The words of power echoed across the square as the dragon swiped its glowing claw. In a flash the Akuma turned to dust.
   Chat gulped back his lunch. Just watching that display was enough to leave him shaking. His left hand came to his right almost on instinct feeling the power of that attack. His attack. The power to destroy with just a touch.
  Ladybug also stepped back in horror. Flashes of a flooded Paris and a ghostly white cat swam in her mind. This was a nightmare she thought she would never see again.
   The digital partners twitched in place unable to move from the pure fear of what they'd seen. Though true they had heard the stories of cyberdramon's wrath they had never seen it before and with just two attacks it had left a big impression.
   Cyberdramon sized up his opponents or rather his targets. It's furious gaze landed on black, green, black and finally... it saw red.
  Pavement shattered as the beast launched forward like a razor bladed missile. Claws that turned all they touched to dust cut clean through the air on a direct trajectory with the hero of Paris.
   "Look out m'lady!" Chat tackled Ladybug aside as the street was vaporized. Cyberdramon's momentum carried it over till it hooked a claw into the roof of the next building and flipped down to lunge at it's next target!
  Blackgatomon dashed away as brick and mortar were blown apart by the dragon beast gnashing its jaws at the feline Digimon.
  "It's so fast!" Chat growled.
  "Sunflomon you know what to do!" Ladybug cried holding aloft her digivice.
  "You got it Ladybug!" Sunflomon and the digivice glowed in sync and power flowed into the champion.
"Sunflomon digivolve to!

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