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IT was the next day from....that um thing. I've avoid Kuroo the best I can from interacting with him.

I quickly rushed to my next classes, that me and Kuroo are in. God, the universe hates me.

I slowly entered the door knowing I'm too early that there is like 10 kids in the class, but we have 25 kids in the class.

I took my seat where I normally sat as a felt a finger tap my shoulder. "Why you've been ignoring me the whole day?".


I didn't answer but continue to look at the blackboard.

"Hey! I'm talking to you", he shook my shoulder softly. I brushed his hand off and continue to look forward.

How long could I keep this up?

"Well I-"

I could r finish what o was saying because the other students had entered the class and the teacher started to write on the board.


"Alright class. Before I start today's lesson. I'm going to tell you your partners for the project.", as she read out the names.

"Sato.....and Yaku"


"Kuroo....and Mayu"

DAMNNN. I slammed my fist to the desk without even knowing I did, earning glares from the class.

"Is there a problem, Miss Fumiko?", the teacher placed her papers on the desk and crossed her arms.

"No no, everything is fine", I waved it off. She ignored me and moved on what she was saying.

"This project will be a creative project. In other words, you and your partners choice. Now you may talk to your parent about the times you are free".

Everybody turned to their partner, I haven't. I REFUSE to talk to him.

"Cmon Mayu. You already know the free times so let's talk about what happen that night", he whispered to me ear.

I shook my head 'no' as I raised my hand at the teacher. "Miss me and partner are done".

She nodded. "Good. We should give the others 15 more minutes."





As he tried to tap me again the teacher interrupted. My mind has been going in circles.

First I have no interest in this boy

Then I start to catch feelings

Now I'm jealous because Moro is here and I finally realized I have a crush!

"Alright class is over, have a good day, I immediately got up and ran into the hallways, grabbed my stuff and ran out the school. There's was no practice today. And I'm going to tries to avoid him.

But my clumsy self bumped into someone.

"Your so clumsy"

When I looked up I saw a pair of fox eyes.

"Hi. I'm Suna Rinatrou".

𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐘 ャ K. TESTURODove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora