"Bam Bam, why do you like it so much? It's disgusting! They're like strawberry licorice that sticks in your mouth and it takes forever to get out of your teeth." Brad dangled the packet of Red Vines over my head. Being about a head taller than me gave him some advantages. I was on my tip toes jumping like a dog trying to get his treat.

"Don't you dare waste that! It's the last one!" I threatened him, as I pointed my finger accusingly at him.

"Nah, I think we should take the Milk Duds today? And lots of popcorn! Oh yes, butter popcorn!" He sang the last part and his eyes fluttered to the sky as he tried to imitate an angel. At that moment I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Brad, It's a Friday night...I just want to go home and watch awesome movies with you! Now give me the Red Vines and we can go!" I reasoned with him.

"Oh so now Jackson and Brandi's at some party you decide to use me?" He said in a mocking tone. I punched him on his arm. 

"You know that's not true! I told you! You could've gone if you wanted too!" He snickered.

"Of course, you love me too much my little Bam Bam and nah, I'd rather spend time with you before Jackson goes all possessive ass again and-" Before he could say anything else the jingle from the supermarket store signalled a new customer. The store clerk's head shot up. Brad and I were in the candy and chips aisle. The clacking of heels made us both roll our eyes, friday night, girls from our high school were probably here to buy some booze/alcohol with their fake I.D.'s. Brad grabbed five packets of popcorn and a box of milk duds, he carried them all in his hands as we started to the cashier. 

"C'mon Brand, why do you even hang out with her?" Brad and I knew that voice all too clearly. It was Taleah. Even though the boys didn't want a relationship with her, it didn't mean she doesn't get around. Taleah liked to sleep around and her number one thing to do on the weekends was to party and meet new boys. And because of that she was popular. You might think that she was a stupid dirty blonde but behind all that Taleah was a smart hard working girl and I knew that because back in primary school she was my best friend.

"Lance is hot and all, I mean I'm getting kind of tired with him but have you seen Allie's brother?" I stopped dead in my tracks causing Brad to bump into me, he was looking at the popcorn labels, paying no attention to the girls.

"Did you know this bag of popcorn is actually healthy? Compared to all those chips we eat! I mean fuck pringles let's-" I cut him off by cupping my hand against his lips.

"Listen" I whispered as he gave me a weird look.

"Yeah, Brand I mean seriously? I can't even believe you dated him for that long, surely some guy in the chess club can't be that interesting?" Brandi gave a laugh but I knew it was forced.

"But seriously though, I'm just friends with her cause I want to get it on with her hot ass brother!" The girls ended up cracking up in  laughter. But Brandi's voice seemed unsure. 

"Oh my God, what about her boyfriend? O-M-G Jackson though, I can't believe he's even dating her... It's not like I have anything against her or anything but I mean she's so frigid-" Taleah managed to change the subject. 

"Ladies please, he's been hitting me up everytime Greg ain't around, he's digging my cousin! You know? The one whose like all holy and polite and crap, how gross is that? Jackson's all about fresh meat, I mean the guy went to summer school! He's loaded! He doesn't want some girl that's been used," Another girl from school spoke up, her name was Amy and she was Taleah's right hand girl. 

"That supposed to mean something?" Taleah's voice countered, there was an underlining threat in her tone.

"No- Leah you know I didn't mean it that way!"

"Fuck off Amy" It was silent for a few minutes, Brad and I crouched down to avoid being caught, he had a pissed off look on his face, and his hand gripped so tightly on the box of Milk Duds that I thought it my burst so I put my hand over his. Brad's eyes instantly met mine and I gave him a reassuring smile. 

"Who else is hot in our class?" 

"Oh that Bradley guy! I would so tap that!" The girls laughed at whoever made the little comment and Brad nudged me before giving me a wink and I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Look, Brandi, we really like you. But we can't have that loner part of our group... We'll give you time to break up with Lance but I mean like we only date people with like social status here, I mean Amy's dating Greg cause he's like a football player but I mean chess? Is that like even a real sport?" I could imagine Taleah saying that while twirling one of her strawberry blonde curls in her finger.

"Allie's so easy to drop I mean, I meant it when I only wanted to get close to her so I could get with her brother but every time I sleep over and we have our little midnight snacks he would totally kiss me and flirt with me then freaking push me away so I'm kind of over it-"

"Heard he's got a girlfriend now, all the way in Vermont though"

"Seriously? Where'd you hear that from Jenna?" Brandi said sounding shocked. It was true though. My brother already has a girlfriend. They met over the summer and so far they have been inseperable, long distance wasn't even proving to be difficult for them.

"Hello? There's something called Facebook? and yeah, don't think about it because they're Facebook official" She replied with a no-question tone.

"I need to get with someone already, my down there is throbbing." My eyes widened as I realized it was Brandi who said it, and Brad almost choked on the clear fizzy drink he was drinking from the bottle of soda he had opened secretly.  

"Then let's go girlfriends!" Taleah shouted and all the other girls cheered with her as they paid for their alcohol and made their way out the mini market, completely oblivious to my and Brad's presence. But before we could leave our secret hiding spot, Taleah's voice rang out. 

"Allie goes, then Lance, got it?"

"No big deal, I'm totally getting some tonight!" Suddenly I didn't feel like movies anymore. Hearing the girl I had trusted all my secrets with for the past few years betray me just like that made me want to jump off a cliff. Brad helped me get up as I was on ther verge of tears.

"Bam Bam I'm sorry, they're not worth it... Don't cry over them, they're just stupid bitches who think they have it all, you're so much better than them I promise" He engulfed me in a hug, but the whole time I was thinking; Maybe I'm just not worth it.  

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