"Oh and Shinsou, your father says to take it upstairs so the neighbors won't see."

Never mind. His life's fucking embarrassing.

Not wasting any time, they quickly got up from the floor and bolted to Shinsou's room, ignoring the laughs from the front door.

When they finally reached the bedroom and the door was locked, Rosinate sat up in the bed with an amused smile at his boyfriends approach.

"You didn't call. Or answer my messages."

And just like that his smile dropped at the small frown covering his boyfriends face. Sure the guy always looked grumpy but that small frown.. Rosinate quickly decided it was one of the worst things he'd ever seen. And he'd seen the number five hero take a piss more than enough times the past week.

"That frown doesn't belong on your pretty face Toshi. You probably won't believe me if I tell you the week I just had but I promise there was nothing I could've done to contact you."

"Well then explain it to me. I get an internship with the number five hero can be crazy but it couldn't have been so crazy that you ignore me."

"Trust me. It was fucking crazy."

"Then explain it to me."

So he did. It took about an hour to explain the internship from him first meeting the number one hero to the car blowing up and finally the grand return. (He left out the nuclear quirk testing part since it was suppose to be a national secret and he didn't want to betray his mentors trust so soon.)

"So let me get this straight.."


"You met the number five hero who turned out to be borderline psychotic and pedophilic.."


"Who then took you on a road trip for a week in his busted ass car.."


"Then accidentally teleported you onto government property.."


"Where you both later blew up the busted ass car and drew the attention of every government agent in the surrounding area.."


"Then eventually found a busted up house where you saw the mans dick because he wouldn't go piss in another room.."


"Then had to escape government agents by flying a.. WWII plane.."


"Where you then crashed said plane in the middle of the Hosu incident and cut the head off a Nomu that was capturing Midoriya.."


"And after all this you just sat around in the mans apartment and watched cartoons?"

"Yup that about sums it up."

"What the fuck?"

"I don't know anymore."

And after that they both laughed for what seemed like forever. A lot of things felt like forever with Shinsou.

It was a nice feeling he decided.

Eventually they began catching up over what Shinsou did over the past week (not much just school work and playing with cats) and Rosinate shared information about what the number five hero was like (about his tattoos and his insanity and how despite everything Rosinate wouldn't mind interning under the man again.)

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