why bucky needed to deliver those wings in person

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Text messages between Dr. Christina Raynor and Bucky Barnes
Today 11:09 AM

Bucky: Hi

Dr. Raynor: Hello, James. How are you?

Bucky: Fine

Today 11:15 AM

Dr. Raynor: Did you just text me to say that you're fine?

Bucky: No

Today 11:23 AM

Dr. Raynor: Do you want me to call you?

Bucky: No

Dr. Raynor: Are you okay?

Bucky: Yes

Dr. Raynor: Okay. Why don't you start by telling me where you are?

Bucky: I'm at Sam's family's place

Dr. Raynor: How did you end up being there?

Bucky: I needed to bring him his new wings

Bucky: Walker ripped them off so I asked the Wakandans to make him new ones

Bucky: And then they did so I had to bring them down here

Dr. Raynor: Couldn't they have dropped them off directly?

Today 11:37 AM

Dr. Raynor: James?

Bucky: Yeah

Bucky: But he wouldn't have known why

Dr. Raynor: Couldn't you have called him or texted him to let him know?

Bucky: I guess

Dr. Raynor: So why did you decide to deliver them personally?

Today 11:45 AM

Bucky: I don't know

Dr. Raynor: I think you do.

Bucky: I guess I just felt bad

Bucky: and I also saw on instagram that they were repairing his family's boat and I wanted to help but thought he might say no if I offered because of how I talked about the shield

Dr. Raynor: Did he say no?

Bucky: No

Bucky: I helped and then he told me to stay with them rather than get a hotel

Bucky: so I did, and then I woke up early this morning and went down to the boat to help some more

Dr. Raynor: How did he react?

Bucky: I don't know

Dr. Raynor: Did you feel bad about anything other than the shield?

Today 12:07 PM

Bucky: Yes

Bucky: his wings got ripped off

Dr. Raynor: You mentioned that. It doesn't sound like that was your fault, though.

Bucky: No, but I did it before

Dr. Raynor: You did what before?

Bucky: ripped his wings off

Bucky: wing, I guess

Bucky: it was a long time ago, when I was the winter soldier

Bucky: I ripped the wing off and then kicked him off the ledge

Dr. Raynor: Ah.

Bucky: he was fine, but I didn't care if he lived or died, I was just eliminating the obstacle

Bucky: so I guess coming to just as Walker tore them off kind of triggered something

Dr. Raynor: Ah. What did you do after that?

Bucky: some other stuff I had to do

Bucky: then I glared at a mountain for awhile

Bucky: I've been told I have a staring problem and the mountain didn't mind

Dr. Raynor: Did it help?

Bucky: I'm not sure

Bucky: I feel like maybe being in my head doesn't always go well

Dr. Raynor: Why did you get him new wings? Couldn't they be repaired?

Bucky: Maybe

Bucky: but I don't know that he would've wanted to and he should have wings supersoldiers can't tear off if we're going to fight the flag smashers anyway

Bucky: I guess

Dr. Raynor: And these can't be?

Bucky: no

Bucky: they're vibranium

Bucky: they don't break

Dr. Raynor: Did you deliver them?

Bucky: yeah

Dr. Raynor: Have you talked about it?

Bucky: no

Bucky: I think he knows what they are but I'm not sure he's even opened the case yet

Dr. Raynor: Why not?

Bucky: I don't want to remind my only friend that I tried to kill him by ripping his wing off

Dr. Raynor: I can understand that. Do you think he hasn't forgiven you?

Bucky: I don't know

Bucky: I guess I don't want to risk it

Dr. Raynor: What are you doing now?

Bucky: eating

Dr. Raynor: Where is Sam?

Bucky: shower

Dr. Raynor: Do you think that maybe this is something you should talk about?

Bucky: maybe

Bucky: I have to think about it

Bucky: I think I have to apologize for the shield thing first

Dr. Raynor: It's okay to make those different conversations.

Bucky: Yeah

Dr. Raynor: I doubt he's forgotten that you tried to kick him off a building, and it sounds like he told you to stay with his family anyway.

Bucky: yeah

Bucky: I don't know

Bucky: thanks

Dr. Raynor: Was this helpful?

Bucky: yeah

Dr. Raynor: Do you want to keep talking or call?

Bucky: no

Bucky: it's okay

Bucky: thanks

Dr. Raynor: Sure. You're welcome to call later if you'd like to.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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