Please Call Me Tomioka-san

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"If I don't make it through the battle with Muzan, will you miss me, Sanemi?"

Giyuu and Sanemi lay side by side on their futon, their naked bodies glossy from the sticky summer heat, their bed linens resting in heaps around their feet. The evening air was still and thick with moonlight. Cicadas serenaded them with their seasonal song.

Sanemi play punched Giyuu in the cheek. "Don't ask stupid questions right after sex."

Giyuu grabbed Sanemi's hand. He kissed his palm and pressed it against his cheek. "I want you to miss me so much that you swear off sex and romance for the rest of your life."

"You don't ask for much, do you?"

"No, wait. I want you to miss me so much that you become a hermit who lives deep in the woods and communes only with the animals of the forest."

"That's just a variation of the first one, isn't it?"

"I want you to miss me so much you cry every day for two months straight. No. Three months."

Sanemi rolled on top of Giyuu and nuzzled his face in the sweaty nook above his shoulder. He twizzled his finger in Giyuu's ear. "Don't tell me what to do."

Giyuu grabbed Sanemi's twizzling hand and smacked Sanemi in the head with it. "Or, how about this? I want you to miss me so much that you find me in the next life and fall for me all over again."

Sanemi let his body float on the tide of Giyuu's breath. He listened to his heartbeat, drank in his scent. Sanemi didn't know if it was the sweltering heat or the mischief of moonlight or the inebriating bliss of two bodies pressed together, but Sanemi wanted very much to oblige that absurd request. He felt like he actually could.

"You better remember me, asshole." Sanemi tugged Giyuu's hair.

"I could never forget you."

Sanemi smiled. All his life, Sanemi believed he could only be conquered by weapons and warriors. He trusted that his training would always give him the upper hand. But those words – they bent his knee. He wanted to love this man - this smart, silly, sarcastic man - now and forever.

"Fine," Sanemi said. "I'll find you."


So, Sanemi. What brings you here?

My doctor said I had to go. She won't give me my antidepressants unless I do.

That's the only reason?

Do I need a better one?

Let's start here then. What are you feeling right now?

Yup, you're a therapist alright.

Intimidating question?

Intimidating? Nah, just predictable. What am I feeling right now... Honestly? I'm lonely. That's all. Pretty standard, right?

Are you in a relationship?

Not at the moment.


Of course. My right hand and a bottle of lotion can only satisfy so many needs.


That was a joke.

I'm aware. Anyone you're interested in?

Sure, I guess. But. He's always there. In my mind. In my thoughts. In my touch. In...everything.

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