A Bushel and a Peck

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If you're always racing
to the next moment,
What happens to the one
you're in?
-Nanette Matthews

"I love you with a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck, with a hug around the neck, a hug around the neck," My mother sings to me as she plants a kiss on my forehead, tucking me into my bed.
"Mommy?" I ask rolling over to my side.
"Yes, dear?"
"Do you think I'll ever find true love?"
She smiles sweetly as she pushes my hair back, "I know you will."

16 years later:

Pushing through the crowds of people on either side to me I try to make my way to work before I'm late. Accidently ramming up against people, or bumping into somebody who stops in the middle of the sidewalk to pick up a freaking penny, or getting in behind the slow walkers who you seem you can never get around from their walking to side to side, blocking you. That's just the sidewalk, not to mention the utter chaos called the subway. Touching the nasty germ-infested seats, with glares of angry people sitting across from your way. Not a great way to start off your morning.
I think the best part about my overall morning routine is stopping by Angela's Pastry's and getting one of her amazing beignets, then heading off for work.
I work at Starbucks, it's not much but enough to pay rent. I walk in and quickly walk into the back and grab my apron and tie it around my waist. I push my blue hair out of my face and walk up to the register, with a fake forceful smile to get through the day.
A short, fat woman came up to the register, she looked as if she just rolled out of bed and had a sneer plastered across her face.
"Hi, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you?" I ask, smiling as wide as I could.
She stares at the board full of endless choices of coffee, and pastries and thumbles around in her purse. "Excuse me, I just need to get my glasses," She mumbles.
"It's no problem ma'am," I say.
When she finally retrieves her glasses, she squints as she puts them on.
"Uh, I'll have the Ven-tay caramel mac-chi-a-to."
"Venti Caramel Macchiato?" I confirm.
"Yes, isn't that what I said," She scoffed.
I smile politely and turn around, ready to die. I quickly make her drink, then call out her name to get it.
I go back to register, when I look up the strangest thing happened.

Everything was frozen, eyes wide I looked around the room Gina, one of my coworkers was mid-way from dropping her tray, full of glass plates, baffled I couldn't help but freeze myself. As suddenly as it had started, everything went back to normal. The plates crashed to the ground and everyone quickly looked up.
"Oh my god, Gina, are you alright?" Jessie, a coworker, asks.
Snapping out of it I quickly run over and help clean up the glass.
"I'm so sorry guys, I'm just so clumsy."
"It's alright girl," Says Sofie, another coworker of mine.
As I throw away the glass pieces, I shake off the weird feeling from earlier, maybe it just felt like time was moving slower, or déjà vu, or something.
Once it was time for my shift to end, I had another job I had to get to. I worked at a small diner called Joe's. They were very old fashioned there, so before I went, I always had to take my nose ring out and tie my blue hair to the top of my head and put a wig on.
As I walked in the diner, my manager, aka a total dick, was standing at the bar with his arms folded and a scowl across his face.
I walked over with a sweet smile, "Karl."
"Skyler, you're late again."
I huff, "It's only one minute."
"One minute too late."
"You know I live half an hour away, and my other job is another half hour, so it takes me an hour total to get here and get dressed, there's only so much I can do."
He scowled, "Don't be late again, I wouldn't want to have to go higher up," He said as he walked away.
Once he was out of ear shot, I mimicked, "I wouldn't want to go higher up," in his highly annoying voice.
In Joe's all the females had to wear short 50's dresses that were stripper-fied. The dress stopped right at your ass and all your cleavage hung out. Pretty much a 50s style hooters. But at least it was a job. After six hours had passed, I clocked out. I quickly changed before I left.
While driving home through suburbs I heard a loud bang in the back of my car. I raise a brow and then my car just suddenly stops.
"Oh, shit," I mumble to myself. I get out of the car and go to the back. I popped a tire. I groaned as I slid down the side of the car, this was just great 12:00 at night, I'm stranded in a ghost town, and have no family to call. After sitting there for at least fifteen minutes I decided to look around to see if there might be anyone that could help.
I walked towards the old shops and buildings and stayed on the sidewalk. I always carried pepper spray with me, just in case something happened, I just prayed I wouldn't have to use it.
Walking down the sidewalk, looking inside stores, and peeking in the corners trying to see if there was anyone around. Once I realized that there was nothing, and that probably everyone was asleep I walked back to my car. I quickly jumped in the car and locked the doors.
I tried to think of people to call, but everyone was at least three hours away. I had recently moved to New York to pursue my fashion career, and so far, I haven't gotten anywhere. I didn't know any truckers number so I decided I would just stop the next car that came by. Hours passed and there wasn't a sign of anything, that was until I saw a flash of lights in my rear-view mirrors. A wave of relief crashed over me as I got out of the vehicle and stood out in the road waving my arms. As the car came closer into my vision, I realized that it was a green pickup truck, Dodge Ram. It slowly came to a stop in front of me. I smiled and walked around to the driver's side. I couldn't help but notice the big gnash on the side of it. The driver rolled down the window and it revealed a man. He looked like he was in his mid to late thirties with scruff growing at the tip of his chin. He had greasy brown hair that sat flat on his head, although he was a grown adult, he still had acne like a teenage boy. His cheeks were red and so were his eyes. He had a bit of a ruddy nose that stuck straight outward.
I gave an awkward smile; I suddenly had a bad feeling about this.
He spat out a toothpick that was hanging from the side of his mouth, "What are you doing out so late, darling. You know there are some real creeps out there."
I gulped, "Uh, you know what, I'm just going to go back to my car."
Another voice spoke up and I realized there was another man sitting in the passenger's side, "It's not safe to be out here all alone, looks like ya car broke down, we can give you a lift, sweetheart."
The other man titled forward, his face finally showing from the light of the streetlight. He looked about the same as the first guy, except he was chubbier and was balding. He also had a black mustache centered above his mouth.
I bit my lip, "I'll be going now."
The first man smiled, showing his yellow crooked teeth, "Why are you leaving so soon."
I quickly walked away from the truck, my heart racing and bounding towards my car. I panicked when I heard a car door open behind me and started running. I just about reached my car when an arm grabbed me. I turned around rapidly to the second man gripping on to my wrist tightly, "Come on darling, we don't bite."
"Let go of me!" I screamed. The first man slowly started walking towards us, "Now, Now Travis, don't scare the poor girl."  My throat went dry as I tried to squirm my way out from his grasp. I stupidly had left my purse in my car, which had my pepper spray in it.
"What should we do with her, Tony?" Asked Travis.
"We're going to give her a lift," He said with a crooked smile as he reached towards me, his arms extended.
"Don't touch me!"  I screamed; I closed my eyes.
After a few seconds, and nothing had happened, I opened them. And that's when I noticed, everything was frozen again.
Tony's face frozen in an evil grin, and his mind polluted with pure evil, sinful thoughts. And Travis, holding me down still. I swiftly shook free of his grip and grabbed Tony's keys which were hanging down the side of his pants. Then, I ran towards their truck. I quickly sat in the driver's seat and slammed the door. I placed the key in the engine and started the car, and then everything went back to normal again.
The two guys looked confused, looking around for me, then heard the sound of the engine. Eyes huge, Travis screamed, "She's in the car!"
"How in the hell..." Tony mumbled.
I quickly stomped my foot on the gas and zoomed out of there.
"HEY!" Tony screamed chasing after the car.
I watched him slowly disappear in the rear-view mirrors as I made my escape.
Once I reached my apartment I quickly ran inside and unlocked my room. Then slammed it behind me and locked every lock.
I slid down on the floor and almost had a panic attack.
I knew moving so far from my family was dangerous, but I guess it didn't hit me until just now.
Then I remembered how everything seemed to freeze, how was that even possible? Nevertheless, it saved my life.
The next morning, I realized I still had their truck, and my car was still in the middle of nowhere. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I couldn't deal with this problem at the moment, I couldn't afford being late to work. I walked down the stairs and went outside and to my surprise my car was parked where the truck had been last night, tire fixed and everything. I stood there in disbelief, had I just dreamed that had happened? How was this possible? I examined the car and everything seemed to be just the way I left it. How strange. I think. I just pushed it off as a really weird, and really realistic dream and went to work. As I was walking down the side walk like I normally do, and was eating my bagel, everything froze again. I stopped in disbelief, how was this even possible, this was so strange. I looked around, waving my hand in peoples faces. Jumping up and down.
Absolutely nothing.
I looked in the sky at the pigeons mid-flight, people walking across the street. A tired mother chasing after her two kids. Everything was frozen. Time just, stopped.
Again, everything unfroze and the business continued. I shook it off and walked to Starbucks.
I couldn't help but be distracted the entire day at work, wondering about this weird situation. Was I the one causing this? Was I stopping time? It was the only thing I could think of, since I was the only one not frozen. But at the same time, I was giving myself way too much credit.
I look at everyone, laughing, talking with each other. I focus, if I can stop time maybe it will stop.... Now! I think.
Nothing happens.
Maybe it only happens when I least expect it, I think.
I looked up from the register and standing in front of me was a boy with curly brown hair and beside him, a short curvy girl with long red hair.
"What can I get for you guys?" I asked with my sweet, fake smile.
"I'll get a coffee, black." She said.
The boy stared at the board squinting his eyes, "Do you guys have coco?"
The girl glared at him, "You're getting coco?"
"What's wrong with coco, huh, Zee?" He scowled.
She rolled her eyes, "Just order your drink and go."
He rolled his eyes, "Well now I don't want it, maybe I should be a manly man like you and get black coffee."
I bit my lip awkwardly, God I hated people.
"Tyson, just order your damn coco." She glowered.
"Fine, if you're so persistent," He looked up at me, "I'll get a coco," he said triumphantly.
"A coco it is," I mumbled.
After my shift, as usual, I headed to Joe's. Once I got there I quickly ran to the back before I had to deal with Karl and his mood swings
I was cleaning up dishes from the table, then took them in the back to get washed, mid washing them the water stopped in its place, like it froze instantly. My eyes lit up; it was happening again. I peered out the small window that peered out into the rest of the diner, sure enough everything was frozen.
Suddenly, while everything was still frozen, not being able to move, the door to the diner opened, from the outside.
My heart started pounding, was I not the only one who wasn't frozen?!
I quickly ducked, hiding beneath the windowsill, still being able to peer out.
To my horror I saw a foot step in first, which pulled in the rest of the body. It was a man. A very tall man. He was wearing a dark trench coat and was wearing sunglasses, with a hat set on top of his head. I was unable to see his face, which made it more alarming. He walked completely into the diner and started looking around. I had no idea who he is, or what he was doing here, or even how this was possible, but I knew he was looking for something. But maybe perhaps, someone.
As he got closer, I realized he was humming something under his breath. I couldn't quite make it out. I listened closer, suddenly goosebumps traveled across my spine as I realized what it was.
"I love you with a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck, with a hug around the neck, a hug around the neck."
My throat went dry as he came closer, something about this didn't feel right. Right as he reached the counter, which I was hiding behind, he stopped, then turned around and left. Just like that. Then suddenly everything snapped back to normal.
Karl came around the corner and folded his arms, "Hanes, what the hell are you doing on the floor, get up and wash those dishes."
I looked up at him, my eyes watery, shaking.
He rolled his eyes, 'What's your problem now?"
"I-" I stopped myself knowing how crazy I would sound. So, I just shook it off and stood up, "Nothing, I just saw a spider and got scared, everything's fine now."
Karl rolled his eyes, "Girls," and stormed off to torment somebody else.
When it was time to go home, I made sure I checked all my tires, to make sure what happened last night wouldn't happen again, I already told a coworker of mine, Jenna, about it and we exchanged phone numbers just in case. I drove home and once I arrived at my apartment I ran inside and locked all the doors. I texted my coworker to let her know I made it home alright and quickly microwaved up ramen noodles.
I sat on the couch and stared out of my window looking at the streets full of cars, and people. Although this place was so big and full of people, moments like these, I've never felt more alone.
After I ate, I went to bed and fell asleep.
Today was my day off, from Joe's at least. But it gave more time in the afternoon to focus on trying to get into fashion school.
Work thankfully went by fast today and when I arrived back at my apartment, I realized I had literally nothing left to eat. There was a farmers market only a couple miles away from my apartment complex, I could pick up a few things really quick.
I grabbed my purse and left.
I still wasn't used to this, all living by myself, sort of thing. Sometimes I still expect to wake up in the morning with my mom in the kitchen making pancakes. My mom was the best friend I ever had. It practically killed me to leave her, but I really wanted to pursue my career. But look where that got me.
One of my favorite things about being downtown was passing by the huge fountain, where children played and couples held hands as they threw coins in to make wishes.
The fountain itself was beautiful, it had three layers of stone and at night it would change colors. It had all sorts of different carvings. It reminded me a lot of the fountain my mom used to take me to as a kid.
Once I reached the farmers market, I picked out a few things to make a salad, until I could actually go grocery shopping. By the time I had finished the sun had set and a path of lights glowed my way back to my apartment. Once I passed the fountain for the second time, I stopped and sighed. I slowly walked over and pulled a penny out from my back pocket.
I closed my eyes and squeezed it tight in my hands,
"I wish... I wish I wasn't so lonely," I whisper as I slowly release the penny from my grasp and toss it in. As it spun falling into the fountain, it stopped in midair. My eyes widened as I felt a familiar presence behind me.
I quickly turned around, and to my horror I saw the man with the black trench coat standing behind me. I screamed and stepped backward, almost falling into the fountain.
He quickly took off  his glasses and cap, "Wait don't be scared," He said holding out his hand.
"Who are you?!" I spat.
I looked up at his face and my heart dropped, he looked older, maybe in his early to mid-forties, but that didn't make him any less handsome. He had salt and pepper hair with black stubble. But what really caught my attention was his soft blue eyes, they looked so kind and warm.
He stepped towards me and whispers, "Wow,"
I gulped, "Who are you, are you the one causing this to happen?"
He smiles lightly, "I can't say much,"
"What the hell does that mean?" I said reaching toward my pepper spray which I had with me this time.
"What do you want from me," I continued.
He laughs as he rubs his brows, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay from the other night, from those guys."
I raise a brow, "How did you-"
"It's complicated," He said.
"Are you stalking me?!" I hollered.
"No! God, no!" His head fell into his palms, "I just had to see you one last time, I'm sorry. This was a mistake."
"What are you even talking about, I haven't seen you before in my life!" I shrieked.
I stood there for a moment, "And why were you humming that song?"
His lips tilted upwards in a cocky smile, "What song?"
I scowled, "You know exactly what I'm talking about." He walked closer to me, my heart racing. He was only a few feet away from me.
"No, I don't. Skylar."
My throat went dry as I furrowed my brows, "Who are you?"
He stepped closer, "I can't say."
I bit my lip, "How did you know my name?"
Soon he was only inches apart from me, where I could get a really good look at him. He was gorgeous, and I felt an ungodly amount of attraction towards this psychopath.
"I know a lot of things."
He smiled at me, "If you really want to know who I am, meet me here at the same time tomorrow."
I scoffed, "Are you crazy, why in the hell would I do that."
He started walking away, "Because I know you, you want to know what's going on, so whether you like me or not, you'll be there." He disappeared behind a building and everything went back to normal.
My blood was boiling, I ran after him, but when I turned the corner of the building, there was nothing.
What was happening, there were so many unexplained things, I knew moving to New York was a bad idea, I possibly had a stalker and he wanted to actually meet up with me?! There was no way in hell I was going, you had to be totally bat shit crazy.

The next day at dusk I found myself standing in front of the water fountain, I was totally crazy, but if he was the one stopping time, that meant he saved me the other day, right?
And if that's the case, why would he want to kill me? Something in my gut knew that he wasn't going to hurt me. I don't know what it was about him, but every time I thought of his face it felt like butterflies were kicking in my stomach. He had such kind eyes, but at the same time they looked hurt, especially when he looked into mine. Why was that?
I had so many questions, maybe that was why I came here, he was right. I needed to know. I also had a feeling he wasn't going to tell me everything, just only enough to keep me satisfied.
"Well, well, well. Look who came," Said a deep husky voice behind me.
I turned around, "I need answers, ASAP."
He smirked, "Right to the point aren't we, what do you want to know, huh, beautiful?"
I gulped as he stared into my eyes.
I quickly shook my head and snapped out of this, I looked around and time had stopped again, "Firstly, how are you doing this?"
He smiled, "Let's just say I'm not from here."
"Where are you from then?"
"Can't tell you that."
I scowled, "Why the hell not, I thought you were going to answer my questions?"
            "Emphasis on some, Angel."
I swallowed, what did he just call me?
"Fine, then, how did you know my name?"
"I saw you in the coffee shop one day with your nametag."
"Liar," I spat.
He laughed, "I'm not lying, one day I saw you in the coffee shop, and I saw your name tag."
"So, you've been stalking me then?"
"You wish."
I scowled, "What's your name then?"
He paused for a moment, "R." I raised a brow, "Just R?"
"Just R."
I rolled my eyes, "These are half-assed answers."
He shrugs, "Sorry, angel."
"Don't call me that," I growled.
He walked closer to me, "Is that all your questions?"
"I-I don't know I'm thinking!" I said stuttering. He smirked, "You look nervous." "I'm not nervous, I'm thinking." He came closer then, closer than he did last night. He traced his fingers along my chocolate skin then looked at my eyes, "You have such beautiful eyes."
I melted a little, then quickly realized what the hell was happening, I pushed him off of me, "I don't even know you; I have all my answers and now I'm done." I said, walking off.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" He called out.
I scoffed, and turned around, "Are you crazy?!" And stormed off. Once I reached my apartment, I made sure I locked all the doors and windows, I didn't want that creep to get in. And he had the balls to ask if I'd see him tomorrow.
I had a plan; I was going to forget this whole thing ever happened and my life went back to normal. Focus on getting into fashion school and forget all this time nonsense, maybe I had some sort of schizophrenia and was imagining all this. What really bothered me though, was how I was totally not freaking out, I mean I could potentially have a stalker, and it seemed as if I really didn't care. Maybe part of me knew that he wasn't dangerous, but how? I didn't even know this crazy man, plus he was like forty. I just turned twenty-one, I could be his daughter!
After battling my thoughts for an hour, I finally took NyQuil and went to bed.
The next day I managed to work normally without anything strange happening, Joe's was pretty much the same, maybe I really had just imagined the whole thing. I hadn't been getting a lot of sleep lately and I was just having hallucinations. He was never real, and time just seemed to move slower. I mean, it's not possible, right?
I went home to my apartment and everything was still normal, I was relieved but some part of me was actually disappointed. As insane as it sounds, I somewhat actually enjoyed it, my life was so dull and boring. I had no friends, no one to talk to. My best friend lived three hours away, and it didn't help that it was my mother. I have never been in a city full of so many people and felt as lonely as I have for the past three months.
I laid in bed staring at my ceiling, I couldn't sleep, I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock and sighed, if I went to bed now, I would get approximately six hours of sleep which wasn't bad. My mind swarmed back to this stranger, god why was this man in my mind, I made him up for god's sake. I was so freaking lonely I had to make a person. How pathetic.
A thought crossed my mind, but what if he wasn't? What if he wasn't fake? I groaned as I rolled over on my stomach.
No Sky, he was fake, you made him up, don't go do anything stupid.
I ached at this thought, I couldn't stand it. I got up and got dressed and walked over to the fountain, but this time it was completely abandoned. I walked over and sat on the ledge of it and watched the changing colors of the water and the sound of it falling. How peaceful. I smiled remembering my mom and hummed under my breath, "I love you with a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck, with a hug around the neck, a hug around the neck,"
            "A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap."
I quickly turn around and see him. Sitting on one of the benches that circled around the fountain, I quickly looked back at the fountain and water had stopped and was stuck on the color blue.
            "My wife used to sing that to me," He said.
            His eyes softened as he stared at the ground, his eyes looked sad, and hurt.
            "Not that it's any of my business, but did something happen?"
            He laughed lightly, "Guess you caught on to that, huh?"
            I bit my bottom lip as he looked at me with a hint of adoration in his eyes, "Let's just say she left."
            I looked at the ground, "I'm sorry..." I paused, "My dad left as well."
            He looked at me with no expression on his face, "I'm sorry."
            "It's fine I don't even remember, really. He died when I was two. I still have my mom though, she's my best friend," I paused, "My only friend actually. She's the one who used to sing that to me as well."
He smiled, "She sounds wonderful."
I grinned, "Yeah, she is."
            He got up from the bench and sat next to me, "Why'd you come here?"
            I laughed under my breath, "I don't know, actually, as pathetic as it sounds, you're the only interesting thing that's ever happened in my life, and it's better than doing nothing."
            He nodded his head slowly, "So even though I might be a mass murderer, it's better than being lonely?" I scoffed, half smiling, "You don't have to call me out like that!"  He was so close, I looked down at his lips for the first time and noticed a little scar at his bottom lip.
            "What happened to your lip?" I ask without thinking. He touched his mouth, "Oh, this? It's nothing fascinating."
            I raised a brow, "That's what people always say when it really is fascinating."
            He laughed, "Yeah, I'll save that story for another time." He gazes into my eyes and whispers, "You have the most beautiful eyes."
            I blush furiously, "They're nothing special, just muddy brown."
            He shook his head, "I bet when the sunlight hits them, they turn into pools of honey, which is the most beautiful eye color, to me anyways."
            Oh god, why did I just want to- I quickly stop myself from finishing that thought. This man was forty years old and lost his wife, what is wrong with me? Not to mention this man was a complete stranger.
            He cut in my thoughts. "I don't have much time left; can we meet here, tomorrow?"
            I slowly nod, "Yeah..." He pushes a strand of my blue hair out of my face, "I like your hair by the way," Was the last thing he said before walking away, disappearing in the shadows, yet again.

I went to work like normally with thoughts surrounding my mind, everything seemed to remind me of him, the smell of apples and sugar, or someone looking at me with their blue eyes, blue has always been my favorite color, but now for some reason, it was even better.
I didn't even know him, for all I know this could be one big plot to murder me, but at the same time I knew he wasn't going to. If he was, he would've killed me the first night by the fountain, much less save me from those creeps.
Humming while cleaning up in the back, Jenna walked up from behind me.
She smiled, "You look particularly happy today."
"Yeah..." I say quietly.
            She stared up at me and down, "OK, who is he?" I opened my mouth, then closed it again, "Why do you assume it's a guy?!" She rolled her eyes, "Sweetheart, it's always a guy." I blushed nervously, "It's not what you think, I don't even know him, it's just kind of exciting, ya know? I don't really have any friends and it's just sort of a change." She sarcastically 'mhms' under her breath.
            "Plus, he's like forty," I mumble.
            Her eyes widened. "Ok Skylar, I see you. Going for the older men."
            I scowled, as I continued to clean up.
            "Is he like cute, or is he just like... old?"
            "Jenna, he's in his forties, not seventies."
She rolled her eyes, "And you're 21, major age gap." I sigh, "He's really cute," I say shyly.
She gave me a grin, "Go on, I know you wanna tell me."
I smile as I look down at the ground, "Well, he has these gorgeous blue eyes, and golden- tan skin, not to mention his thick salt and pepper hair."
She smiles, "Does he have a dad bod or-"
I quickly shoot a glare at her, "No! I mean, I can't really see it, he's always wearing so many layers."
She shakes her head, "That just means there's more to rip off."
"I barely know him!" I scoff, "Change of subject, it's your job to close up shop today," I say dangling the keys in front of her. She scowls as she takes them.
As I pack up to leave, she calls out after me, "Well, you better update me to what happens with this mystery man!"

Karl was particularly a major dick today. He watched me the entire time I was mopping the floors, and would yell at me if I missed a spot, then proceed as soon as I was finished, walk across the floor and leave footprints, then make me clean it again. After that he informed me that I was cleaning the tables wrong, or I wasn't sweet enough to take orders from people. He watched me the entire time like a hawk. I don't know what crawled up his ass and died, maybe he was still sour from the incident of my on the floor, which I don't know why he'd be upset, but it's Karl, so I really couldn't be surprised.  My theory is he sensed that I was in a good mood and had the need to destroy it.
As soon as work was over though, I headed straight to the fountain. And sure, enough when I got there, he was waiting for me. He turned around, "Well, hello there stranger."
I smiled, "Hi to yourself."
He walked over, and stared me up and down.
"What is it?" I asked, feeling nervous.
"Nice dress."
I looked down at what I was wearing, I was still wearing my uniform from work. My face flushed red.
Shoot, I forgot to change.
"Aren't you freezing?" He asked.
"Well, it's a little cold."
Without hesitation he pulled off his jacket, and as he was pulling it up his shirt slowly rose with it, revealing underneath a v-line. I felt my throat go dry, dammit Jenna, why? I think.
He slowly wrapped his jacket around me, "Better?" I gulped. "Y-yeah, thank you."
He laughed quietly.
"What's so funny," I said with a grin.
"You're just so tiny, the jacket engulfs you." I roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah."
  I looked up at the beautiful lights, and however was just so still, it was truly beautiful how you could finally take in everything at once without just rushing all the time.
"What are you looking at?" He asked.
"Oh, just the lights, I just noticed how pretty they are for the first time. Isn't it sad? I've lived here for three months and just have noticed how beautiful the lights truly are."
He smiled, "Do you trust me?" He asked, stretching out his hand.
I raised a brow, "Why?"
"it's a yes or no answer, angel."
I hesitated, "Is this your plan to murder me?"
He smiled, "Maybe," still stretching out his hand. I slowly reached my hand out and paused, I looked straight into his eyes and melted and then I grabbed it.
He took me to a tall building and gestured toward the fire escape. He helped me up and we climbed the stairs to the roof of the building. Before anything he quickly said, "Close your eyes."
"Just close them."
"Is this when you're going to murder me?"
"Angel, if I was going to murder you, I would've done it a long time ago."
I sighed as I shut my eyes. I felt his hand wrap around mine and immediately felt a jolt of electricity. I wonder if he felt it too?
He slowly walked me over and I felt him walk up behind me and lean down next to my neck. I felt a blow of hot air hit me and goosebumps traveled up my spine, "Okay, now open them."
I slowly opened my eyes and felt all the hairs on my neck stand up straight. I could see lights for miles, it was gorgeous. All the colors faded together lighting up the world. I slowly walked towards the edge, resting my arms upon the small wall that was guarding you from falling off, "R, it's so beautiful," I say.
I look down at the frozen people, who look a lot like ants from here. All the frozen cars, I wonder if I took time to appreciate everything this way how much would be different. 
He comes up from behind me, "I used to do this all the time with my," he pauses staring at all the buildings lighted up like the Fourth of July.
"Your wife?" I finish for him.
"Yeah..." he says staring at me. He bit his lip, "You remind me a lot of her."
I blushed looking back out to the lights, "What was she like?"
He sighed in my ear, "Well, she was beautiful, smart, funny. She had the most amazing laugh." He looks down at me, "She loved the color blue."  I felt my cheeks go warm, I practically melted inside whenever he looked at me like that. But I couldn't help it but think in the back of my mind, he was talking about his dead wife, while looking at me like that?
"I have the go," He mumbled.
"Why so soon?" I ask.
"I don't have much longer, angel." He said.
"Why do you keep saying that?"
He bit his lip, "I think you know the answer to that."
I roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I know. It's complicated."
He smiled, "Exactly." And without a second beat he leaped off the building.
My eyes grew to the size of saucers as I quickly jumped to look over the side of the building in horror to see him falling to his death, but instead there was nothing, it was as if he vanished in thin air. I stepped back trying to recatch my breath, I wish I could've said that this was the oddest thing he had done.
He was OK right? He really didn't just commit suicide right in front of me?
I quickly ran down the fire escape and looked at the bottom of the building, hesitantly. But there was nothing there. I ran my fingers through my hair, paranoid.

When Time StopsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora