The Test

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Hermione's next few weeks were spent fretting over the test. She had a plan (to basically write an EXACT description of Ron) but apparently when given to the Wizemagot for deciding, they'd show the writer's TRUE feelings. It shouldn't have bothered her, but for some reason, it did.

* * *
The day came.

They were waiting outside the Great Hall and it felt much like their first year. Then, the doors flew open and Ginny gave Harry's hand a tight squeeze with a sad smile before they separated and sat in their seats.

After 2 long minutes of anticipation whilst Kingsley reminded them about the marriage law and the style of the test ('as if we could forget', Harry thought), the test began.

Harry's first instinct was to write a description of Ginny. Simple enough, when said, but when your heart wants someone else, it's much more difficult.

Harry found that, after the first few questions, he was describing someone entirely different.

Someone he knew.

Someone close.

And that someone had a name.


                                * * *
Hermione was frustrated. Other than the first few questions, all she had been asked were random questions which varied from being about pets to fingernail lengths. So unnecessary. So, she answered in short snappy phrases.

What is the job of your parents?
Oh, they are nothing of your concern.

How many years of your life have you been (so far) exposed to magic?
Well it's kind of none of your business

Have you ever tried honeycomb cake?
And it matters to you because???

She continued the next lot in the same spirit.

10 minutes later, she reached the important part.

Any appearance preferences?
Ideally tall, ginger and freckled

Funny, not very studious to balance me out

She was writing everything she could think of at this point. Which was considerably less than she thought she would be able to. Turned out she didn't have as many positive things to say about Ronald as she thought she did.

Finally she came to the last question.

She answered it.

And the test was over.

Ginny wrote her answer to the last question of the paper.
"Time up, everyone!" Kingsley called, a few minutes later. As they all stood up, Ginny smiled at Harry. She knew that they would always be together, and a petty marriage law couldn't tear them apart. She knew they were souldmates, and nothing, NOTHING, could change that.

At least she thought that was true.

Hi ppl!
I feel like I'm saying this every update, but sorry it's late! I've been quite busy and I lost my phone, which I use for updates, so that wasn't helpful.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Creds to my AMAZING editor FluffyRainbowPower !

See you next update,
NayNay 🦋

The Marriage Law: Harmione Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora