We were all so happy! Then we all went on a trip around London! We went into all these cutie lil shops and bought to so man new c-strings!!! Especially the fishnet pirate ones!!!!

We finally bought Cha Cha Chaz some new pants and underwear since he ruined his. This was his new outfit!!!

 This was his new outfit!!!

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Then all of the sudden...


I looked over at Billy and noticed he gad a huge boney 😏😏

Me saying that in my head summoned... BRENT BONEY!!!

"Hey ladies, see you in need of some assistance..."


"O-O-O yes-Yes brent!!!!" Alexis practically screamed!!

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"O-O-O yes-Yes brent!!!!" Alexis practically screamed!!

Brent took as all into the back room of a tea shop and took his big wip out.

"Now, listen to me my little sluts, you're gonna do what I say, okay...?" Brent demanded.

"Yes daddy brent!" we all said together, all tied up.

"Ooo my puss puss is dripping!!" Cha Cha Chaz exclaimed!

"Mmm...Okay you can go first, my princess..." Brent said, walked over to Cha Cha Chazz and untied him, and brought him to his knees.

Brent started by forcing Cha Cha Chazz fo suck his nutsack

Cha Cha Chazz practically vomited on Brent Boney's sack...

Brent Boney being big dababy he forced Cha Cha Chazz so SUCK UP ALL THE VOMIT LIKE THE GOOD BOY HE WAS!!



"YOU WHORE MEAN NOTHING TO ME!!!!" I threw Cha Cha Chazz on the ground and went to my next lil slut Billy....

"Mmm...Billy what do you want Brent Boney Big Dababy to do to you...." I said while chocking Lil Billy

"O-o daddy- DaBaby Brent Boney....Mmm plz bread me..." what a good little boy

"Mmm I'll teach you😈😈" I said and named every single part and nerve of the penis for Lil Billy now to be educated on all my part Brent Boneys Parts...Mmm foreskin.

He sucked my asshole and I diarrheaed all over his face.

On to my next.

I took both Liza Minnelli Theater AND Alexis..

"HEHEHE...Now I'm gonna air dry your vaginas 😈😈😈" Me Big Dababy Brent Boney said to Liza Minnelli Theater and Alexis Kandel...

I got out this HUGEEE fan and started air drying their choochies.


Once they were hotter then the sahara desert itself, I went in and started to make a smoothie in their holes with ingredients I stole from the back room

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Once they were hotter then the sahara desert itself, I went in and started to make a smoothie in their holes with ingredients I stole from the back room. Remember, this is a tea shop.

I finally got done with my smoothie, I call
"Puss Puss Saücê", I was about to take my first step, then OH NO!!!


UGH William Storey walked in

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UGH William Storey walked in..


Not again!!! Americans coming into my tea shop to have lesbian sex. Ugh.

I yanked all of them up, I was about to scold them until, the VOICE OF PETE F MARTIN JR ARISED AND SAID

"Pussy Willows!!!!!!!!😎🌋😎🌋😎🌋"



Jesus, god #2, came in to save the day!! Pete F Martin Jr, came in and helped them escape to Pussy Willows! Where it was a forrest of both cats and hanging vaginas!
Alvin the crusty cat was even there im Pussy Willows heaven!

It was like a pussy hall of fame!!

"Oh look theres Judy Garlands pussy on that tree!!" Brent said while everyone looked and clapped.

They truly felt 0 reason to ever leave Pussy Willows...So they stayed! All in harmony with forever lasting life.

The End

Billy Stritch Smutts n FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now