The Arrival, part 1.

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The crew of the Axiom was almost ready to be deployed, as were the other three ships that shared the same mission. With their home planet, Cybertron, becoming unable to sustain life, those four ships were trusted to go to planets that have been targeted as possible new homes, seeding a few protoforms on each to make a more meticulous analysis. Meanwhile, most of the population was being transported in giant space arcs to a nearby planet. They could live there for a while, but the conditions were far from perfect. If a new home wasn't found, they'll be at risk of becoming extinct.

"And what about that planet where the great war happened?" the smallest of the three robots already present on the bridge of the Axiom asked, while working under one of the consoles of the cockpit.

He was officially the ship's mechanic, a job he could do well thanks to his size and his experience, but his forte lay in other less glamorous aspects that he preferred to not talk about.

"What was it called again? Ground? Dirt?"

"Earth" replied the tall bot next to him, their helmsperson, "you should have paid more attention to history lessons."

"Never mind the name, the atmosphere was not corrosive, there was solid ground, and it had natural sources of energy that could be turned into energon. And the views were to die for!"

The bot got out from below the console and gave a sign to the other one, who pressed a few keys on it. Everything seemed to be working properly.

"I know I deserve a paid vacation on a luxury cruise after all the all-nighters they had pushed onto me just to get these toasters off the ground."

"That does sound nice, be sure to call me once they give you the tickets" a massive bot added, while checking and double checking all the systems on the ship to make sure they worked properly.

He was their physician, as well as their second in command. He also was well versed on both the software and the hardware of their technology.

"But it wouldn't be on Earth, sadly. It is a protected territory due to the Pax Cybertronia. It is inhabited by native sentient life forms that were disturbed by our war. It was the decree of the great Optimus Prime that all information about the location of the planet was to be destroyed."

"And because of that we are forced to search for the least scrappy world in an ocean of scrappy worlds. So, thanks Optimus."

The doors suddenly opened and the last member of their crew arrived. His eyes were tied to the portable computer in his hands.

"Don't mention it, I had to personally verify that all stasis pods were aboard, or I wouldn't be able to think of anything else during the trip," he said, having only heard the last words of the conversation.

The pilot couldn't avoid giggling a bit, while the mechanic rolled his eyes.

"Everything is ready, we can depart whenever you order" the physician mentioned, before he noticed a new notification on his screen, "uh oh..."

"What is it?"

"We got a message from the High Council, or better said, an order to not take off until we got the approval of... Sentinel Primal."

"A Primal? Here?" their pilot asked, making herself a bit smaller, "I mean, you are also a Primal, Boss, but, like, not like THEM."

Optimus rubbed his temples in frustration.

"You don't have to worry about it, Nyx, everything is under control. When is the inspection scheduled?"

Before the enormous bot at his side could answer, the smaller one spoke.

Beast Wars Reboot.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora