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-April 2022-

When spring comes around, it feels like a glimmer of hope is spread throughout the world. It feels like everyone is slowly waking up from a deep slumber that had been paralyzing them, keeping them hostage. For some reason, this particular season makes you feel like you're living again. It makes you feel alive, like you've only been watching your life unfold, not taking the time to feel it and experience it. It makes you feel like you've spent the last months under the water and you finally break the surface come up for air. Like you've been trapped in the dark and a light is suddenly turned on. Like you've been locked away in a prison and the door is finally unlocked, setting you free. Like you've been hiding from the sun and you finally let it illuminate your skin. Like you've been fearing the wind and you finally let it blow on your face, on your air.
Spring is associated with second chances. Since the flowers start to bloom, you think that maybe you can be just like them. That maybe you can build from the ground up, forgetting the person you were before. That maybe you can let the warm sun burn away any trace of your past self. That maybe you can let the wind carry your insecurities and mistakes away until your slate is cleaned. That maybe you can come out of your hiding at the same time as the wildlife and own up to the person you are. Since everything is turning over a new leaf, why can't you do the same and start over? It makes us want second chances, it makes us want to redeem ourselves. And it makes us think that we can, even if sometimes it is impossible. Because of that first breath of fresh air, we feel invincible and ready to tackle any problem.
Spring also represents fragility and delicateness. Even though everything is growing again, it is still extremely fragile. Because the moment when something is changing is the moment where that thing or that person is the most vulnerable. Things are easier to break if they aren't completely formed yet. Plants are easier to rip from the ground when their roots aren't developed. People are easier to influence if they haven't completely made up their mind. People are easier to hurt if they are already down on one knee. So, spring reminds us that we need to care about change, that we need to treat it like a precious thing. It reminds us that no matter how beautiful it can be, it isn't meant to be entertaining or to be played with. It is meant to be appreciated and respected. We are meant to give it time to grow, to give it space to grow. We are meant to observe it from the distance, to let it reach its potential. Otherwise, we will never get to see the result. If we are too eager to hold it, we will never get to see the beauty it could have been capable of achieving. We will never get to see the vibrant colors, the intricate details, the hypnotizing beauty of it all.

I woke up feeling that familiar warmth that came with the arrival of spring. That same warmth that made me smile brightly, my jaw aching and my lips cracking because I couldn't wipe it off my face. That same warmth that made my eyes sparkle, the sun not even comparing to the light they held. That same warmth that made me want to discover new things, that made me want to explore the world and experience feelings I've never felt before. That same warmth that made me feel dizzy, high off the feeling of growth and new beginnings.

And, surprisingly enough, that same warmth that made me want to fall in love.

The curtains were closed, but I could still see the rays of sunshine peeking through and breaking the darkness of the room. I could hear the birds singing, probably as happy as me that the sun graced us with his presence, making the temperature warmer. I could smell the fresh perfume of the flowers blooming, every scent mixing together and creating an intoxicating odor.

I yawned and stretched my arms above my head, giving my muscles time to wake up as well. I shuffled under the covers and turned lay on my side, my gaze resting on Harry's beautiful face, our bodies facing each other.

I was surprised to see that he was still sleeping, not bothered by the covers moving or by the small sigh that slipped past my lips.

I reached over him and glanced at the clock on my phone, seeing that it was already ten in the morning. Even if it was Sunday, I didn't want to waste the beautiful day waiting for us by spending it in the darkness of my bedroom.

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