"Hey, maybe she is not, how about you bring her tomorrow and we run a quick check?" Kang asked.

"What if I get a news that I don't want to get? This whole baby issue have been on a roller coaster for me and now this?" I said.

After I left the hospital, I went back to the company to finish some work so I can keep my mind of the whole issue.
The Next day, I went to Jay's house early to go pick her up, she was still not ready yet, when I told her that we will be going to the hospital she started questions like why we were going there all of a sudden? And who the doctor was going to be?.

"Babe am ready" she called out after 17 minutes as we get closer to the hospital I could tell she was nervous.

"What is wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing" she replied.

"Everything is okay, don't worry" I told her.
We made our way to go meet Kang, I waited outside while they did their test after about 20 minutes Kang called me in.

"So..." I asked but the room was filled with tension. "Why do you both look nervous?" I asked.

"Uhh Jay the results is positive" Kang replied.

"I knew she wouldn't take that, positive means that right?" I asked.

"No, it means she took it and actually she is overdosed" Kang said when tears started to go down Jina's face.

"It is a joke, another one right?" I asked Jina who drowned in tears. "Can you answer my question?" .

"Am sorry, I was going to tell you-"

"And you didn't, am sorry yeah the billion times I have heard that, why do you keep hiding stuff and lying to me?" I asked her.

"Uhh I will leave you guys, Jay see me before you leave" Kang said and walked out.

"How did we get here? You taking pills to kill the innocent baby what is wrong with you? If you had a problem with me or if you were not doing okay why didn't you tell me? You keep making decisions about the two of us yourself Jina" I said while she kept crying.

"Am sorry, I just don't know-"

"I don't know either, I will call an Uber for you" I said and walked out in anger. I went to Kang before leaving.

"Sorry for all that" Kang said passing me water.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked him.

"I don't know" he said taking a seat.

"So why did you want me to meet you?" I asked him as I also take a seat.

"It's about the baby, she over took the pills at some point so the baby might get affected am not sure unless we do some check" Kang said handing me some papers.

"Wasn't that her motive in the first place?" I said.

"Well if she stops taking it there might be a possibility that she can have the child since she took the pills late"

"Kang, if you have something else can you tell her, this whole issue is to much for me right now" I told him.

"I know but don't you think it's hard for her too? She might have some complication because she over took it which will cause a big problem" Kang said.

"I didn't know she was pregnant until she was 3 weeks, she hid that from me and now try to kill my child, I feel like am the cause of all this"

"Jay, I know it's difficult right now but-"

"It's okay I will deal with it" I said and left her office I called the Uber and went back to the company, I worked till 3am trying to get my mind of it but I couldn't I ended drinking about 6 bottles then passed out at home. Around 11am when I woke up I got about 15 Miss calls and 60 messages from Jina, I just turned my phone off and took a shower. On my way to the office I got a call from my mom.

"You came back and didn't come see us" my mom said on the phone.

"Sorry, I had some issues"

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah everything is fine, how is dad doing?"

"He is doing good and am happy that everything is good, ohh we are having a family gathering you should come with Jay this weekend" my mom said.

"Can you invite her yourself? Am busy right now so I can't ask her" I told her.

"You are always busy, you should take some time off and take care of her and the baby"

"Mom, I have work so I will talk to you later"

"Okay I will call her, take care of your self" my mom said and ended the call.

How is she doing? I wanted to know so bad but I don't think am ready to go see her yet, am still angry about the whole situation, how can she not tell me about the baby and try to abort the baby?.

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