Chapter18- make up...maybe make out

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No one's POV

It had been a couple weeks since Josie and Hope had there fight. Hope got a text from Josie that said if Hope left she would go back. Hope grabbed all her stuff from the guest room and left. But before she did she talked to Caroline and explained everything. She knew Josie would also go back to the dorm room so she went back and grabbed her stuff from there. Caroline, Rebekah, Klaus and Bonnie made sure Jade and Penelope learned their lesson. Let's just say they'll be in the hospital for a while.


Hope went to the mansion and started to unpack her stuff. Once she settled in. Her dad and aunt came and started to get ready for the party.

H:" can you guys do this alone? Or do you need me?"

R:" uh, we go this undercover."

H:" okay, cool. I'm gonna go"

I ran up to my room and called my mom.

H:" hey mom. I really need to talk to you."

Ha:" what's wrong."

I felt tears forming in my eyes.

H:" I messed up. And I think I lost her forever."

Ha:" who?"

H:" Josie. I went to the grill with Rebekah and dad. But Landon came out of nowhere. And he asked if I would give him another chance, and I said no, but he kissed me, and Josie saw. Now she doesn't want to talk to me. And miss her. I really, really fucking miss her, mom."

Ha:" oh honey. I'm coming. We'll talk about this in person."

H:" okay."

I hung up and fell asleep. There was a knock on my door so I got up and went to open the door.

H:" J- Josie?"

Before I could say anything else she kissed me.

J:" I'm.. so... so... sorry." She said between kisses. J:" i should've listened to you. I love you, Hope. Please don't hate me."

H:" Jo, I don't hate you. I'm actually really happy right now."

She smiled and we made our way to my bed.

I closed my eyes for a second.

J:" Hope."

I could hear Josie calling me. As her voice got muffled it started to sound like my mom. I opened my eyes to see my mom was sitting next to me.

Ha:" Hope. Hey."

"A dream. It was a fucking dream! Again! Ugh!"

H:" hi."

Ha:" how you feeling?"

H:" I don't know. Fine, but shitty. Also annoyed you woke me up. But I'm really missing Josie."

My mom chuckled.

Ha:" I think I know how to help. Caroline and I are teaming up. Her and Lizzie are gonna get Josie to come here. And that's where you'll talk and explain things to her. Then you'll make up... maybe make out."

H:" mom."

Ha:" what? I just saying. It might happen. Geez."

I rolled my eyes as I sat up.

Ha:" I'm gonna go make a quick call. Party's tomorrow. Have you invited people yet?"

H:" yeah. I invited people. That invited more people. So they did most of my work for me."

My mom chuckled and left my room.

H:" I have one chance. I can't screw up. A little mistake and I'm done for. Don't. Mess. Up."

Josie's POV

It's been a couple weeks since everything went down.

I know Hope and I weren't technically together, but it still hurt. It hurt more than anything that's ever happened to me. Is this what they mean by love hurts? If so I don't want it.

Li:" Josie we're going to a party tomorrow. Me, you and mom."

J:" I'm not really in the mood to go."

Li:" you owe me. Don't think I forgot that time we were 12."

J:" okay, okay. Just don't talk about that. And it happened years ago let it go! Who's party?"

Li:"Don't worry Josie. It'll be fun, trust me."

J:" okay."

Lizzie left and I was alone again. I grabbed my note book and went outside. I didn't really know what I was going to do. I used to like to write songs, but I stopped after I left with my mom a couple years ago.

I sat outside and just looked up at the moon. It was a full moon tonight. I always found the moon really pretty.

After about an hour it was starting to get really cold, so I went back inside.

I went to my room and put my journal away under my bed. I have some really private stuff in there. Nothing bad. Just feelings. Pages full of how I feel. And I don't really want anyone seeing that. So yeah.

I got in bed and drifted to asleep with Hope still lingering in my mind.


Sorry I haven't been so active. I was gonna publish this sooner, but one of my family members died so I didn't. Umm I'm gonna take a little break. Sorry.

But just gonna say there's 2 more chapters!!

Maybe three but that depends on you guys. You'll find out what I mean soon;)

Goodbye Luvs<3


Still falling for you [HOSIE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz