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   Here was the thing about being on autopilot, even if you were able to do things you'd normally do when you were in the right state of mind, it didn't mean you'd be able to do them properly and it most definitely didn't mean you could numb out the pain and hurt. The resulting things were split second decisions, bad choices and regret. And so as Racheal got out of her car envelop in hand, she had the kind to just go in, see her father, tell him what she could and then follow up on her plans. Before coming to her father, she had been to her lawyer's, and even when it had been late and last minute, she was able to get the paperwork ready.

     Walking into the house, she met him in the den

   "I didn't know you'd be here today Princess!, I didn't save you any dinner" he said standing to give her a hug and a peck. He must have noticed the lack of enthusiasm because frowning, he held at at arms length

   "Something is wrong....you've been crying Racheal!"

   "I want you to get this papers back from Nicholas once he as signed them dad" she heard herself say

    Edwards' frown deepened

   "What papers?... and why not  get them back yourself?, why are you even here this late instead of home with your husba...

    "I'm getting an annulment dad, a divorce then"

    "What?, what's going on?, annulment?!, talk to me!"

   "There's nothing till say, I just need to do this. It's not working and I can't waste my life away because of some stupid merger!" Beginning to get frustrated she started for the stairs

    "I don't understand?.... you were fine with..."

    "That's just the thing!, I was never fine with this dad!. I had some stupid teenage crush on him that never seemed to go away!, I wanted him to notice me!, not get married to him!, least of all with the way the stupid marriage came about...." swiping angry at the tears that had started to fall again she started up the stairs, Edward following close behind

    "You could have said something! Princess you know I'd do anything for you...."

     "I didn't say anything?!, well dad I tried but you know what?, you kept laying out the guilt card!, if it wasn't you bringing up mum?,  it was you talking about how much the merger would mean for you or how you know I always felt something for him or some other bullshit like that!, and I never wanted to be selfish but it was you all along!, you were the selfish one. You offered me up without asking me!.... like from sixties bullshit!, everyone seems to be making decisions that concerns my life without asking me but I'm sick of it and it's about time!, I hate you and I hate him even more!, I fucking hate you both and you can both enjoy your trophy company but you'd be doing it without me!"

   "Racheal?!.... it hasn't come to this!" Edward said trying to reason with her "I did all these for you!, for us!... don't you dare blame me for..."

  "That's exactly what I'm talking about!, you wouldn't even accept that you were wrong" Racheal opened the door to her old room, walked in and locked the door before Edward could get in

     "You haven't told me what's going on Princess.... I heard everything you've said but I want to know why because if that son of a butch so much as laid a finger on you I....."

    "He didn't hit me dad... he never would do that..." sagging against the door, she slid down and sat on the floor. On the other side she heard her father so the same

    "I'd get you those papers once it's done. But I need you to calm down and think this through...."

     Racheal didn't give him a response, she just sat there mindlessly staring into nothing. She felt like her insides were tearing apart, she has a mental image of herself repeatedly screaming inside of herself and it felt like she was being clawed at from within.

     Fresh out of tears, she sat there and thought of what to do.

      She could hear her father on the other end moving around the house, he constantly came back to her door to call her name and ask if she was okay, she would then tell him yes so he didn't break the door down for worrying and fall back into her brooding.

      Racheal hasn't slept a wink by the time the morning sun began to shine in through a space in the drawn curtain. Getting up slowly she went into the bathroom to wash her face

    And there he was staring at her on different sides of her wall, she had never wanted to rip someone apart so badly. With a yell she tore at the pictures, one after the other taking consolation in the fact that if she couldn't actually do this to him in real life the the pictures she had fawned over for years would take the brunt

     Watchig her father through the bathroom window tend to his garden behind the house and she knew what she had to do. Talking to him now would only make things hurt more than they already were. And that was why she quietly left the house without saying goodbye

      ************     **********     *********   *******

     Racheal stopped by to see Claire and she was the only one that knew what Racheal planned to do, it wasn't easy telling her best friend everything in a park full of people after making her leave work to see her. They both came up with the plan to ensure that Racheal disappearance could not be traced and that she would stay that way until she decided to come back herself.

    The only other place Racheal had to stop by was her bank. And once she got enough money in cash to last her for months, she drove back to the house packed as light as possible and left the envelope on the bed where it'll be the first thing Nicholas saw once he walked in the room

     He wanted her gone, and that was exactly what she was when he got back home

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