Brooklyn, New York

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It was a windy morning on a Wednesday in Brooklyn, New York.

With Steve's and your father, Tony's death, your whole world just fell apart. You shut out everyone you've ever known, Hulk, Thor, Natasha, Clint, and worse, Bucky, someone you grew very fond over the past few years. You had no idea what happened to him or where he even was.

The life you knew back then was gone. Disappeared. Nothing about it came up with your life now. You were a whole different person. If any of the people in your past life saw you on the street, they wouldn't have even recognized you. You were normal, and you didn't mind it honestly. Having a barista job from 9-5, meeting some people who had a lot in common with you. Well, the you that lives here in Brooklyn. You didn't have a lot, but you had enough to get by, living in your little apartment 5C.

The cold, breezy morning was perfect for a run. Dragging yourself out of bed, you head over to your dresser and grab leggings. Digging through, you felt a shirt and pulled it out. It was a tee shirt that Steve gave you a while back.

Some thoughts of regret would take over your brain. Being a horrible daughter and friend to the people you once knew. It would put you in a dark space.

You closed the door to your apartment and jiggled the doorknob. Once you knew it was securely locked, you headed downstairs to the first floor.

Opening the double doors, the nice, cold Autumn breeze hits your tired face. You breathe in, taking in your surroundings and hearing cars passing through and pedestrians passing you on the sidewalk.

Deciding to take an alternate route, you turned left instead of right. It seemed like you were running forever. You slowed down, realizing you had to use the restroom.

You stopped in front of a place called Izzy's. Opening up the door, you felt like everyone's eyes were on you. You scanned the room, uncomfortably. Your eyes caught a familiar and shocking sight.

His daring blue eyes, his nose scrunch, you recognized him from anywhere.

You halted like your feet were stuck to the ground. Suddenly, his head lifts up and catches your gaze.

You gasped. His eyes widened. You were a deer in the headlights as he just kept staring at you like you were a ghost.

You ran out of the place and just kept running down a couple of blocks. You stopped, catching your breath.

Walking by a alley, you heard arguing. You turned your head, witnessing a couple harshly yelling.

You slowly walked up to them and suddenly, the man slapped the woman, having her fall to the ground.

"Hey!" You sped walked up to them, hovering over the woman. "Really? This is how you treat women?" You glare up to the man. He smiled evilly.

"Leave us alone, kid. I'm just teaching her what happens when I get disrespected." The man chuckled.

"Oh yeah? You wanna know what happens when someone calls me kid?" You asked the man, who cluelessly didn't understand. You knee him in the privates and you grab his leg and flip him a 180.

"This is why I kept in shape." You laughed to yourself.

He groans, holding his privates on the floor.

You turned swiftly to the woman, "Hey, are you alright?" You lend your hand out to help her up and she takes it.

"You do not know how long I wanted to do that." She chuckled lightly, wiping away the blood from her nose.

The Falcon, Stark and The Winter Soldier Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora