No more pity parties!

I clear my throat. I flinch slightly when Tam looks at me. 

I plop down on a chair, grabbing my phone. "What did you guys want?" I ask.

I hear a sigh from Percy. I shoot him a glare then turn back to my phone, scrolling through Instagram.

After a few minutes of silence, I look up. Tam and Lihn were wispering to each other. I roll my eyes and call out "If you guys were here to just whisper to each other, then go away!"

Tam rolls his eyes and brushes his bangs out of his eyes. He shoots a questioning look to Lihn as I put my phone down and get into a sitting position, poised to listen. Then I remeber a small detail. "One sec." I say to the others. Then I get up and call for Edaline, my adopted mom. She steps in a second later. I raise my eyebrows. "You were easvesdropping, weren't you!" I accuse. She smiles. "Maybe..."

"Whatever. Can you get us some mallowmelt?" I ask.

She nods, and goes away. She reappears a second later with a tray of my favorite desert. I thank her, and turn my security system on. Yes, I know. I have a security system inside my house. And yes, it consits of lazers out side my door and through the hall.

Then I turn to the others.

Percy spots the mallowmelt, then lunges. I fly up toward my ceiling. "Nope. Not yet. Our guests get some first." I scold.

He pouts, then says "Technically, I am a guest." I roll my eyes. "Dude! You live here!" I say as I float down to Lihn and Tam. They each grab a piece. I put the tray down on the coffee table and grab my phone. I have to record their reaction!

I press record, and ask Lihn to eat her piece first. She gives me look, then shrugs and takes a bite. Her eyes light up so much I'm afraid that they'll pop up out of her head for a second. Then, all of a sudden, the water from my glass starts to float. "Woah" I breathe. Even though I assumed Lihn was a nice person, she lunges for another piece. I laugh, and push her away.

Then I turn to Tam.

He rolls his eyes as I press record and tell him to eat. He takes the smallest nibble possible, then, with wide yes, stuffs the entire thing in his mouth. I smile. Hopefully they don't hate me anymore...

Then I turn around to grab my own piece. I narrow my eyes when I only see two left... PERCYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I yell into his brain. He winces, but still continues to chew.

I lunge for the remaining ones and stuff them in my mouth.


Tam's Pov


I have never tasted something so good in my life...

Then I remeber where I am. Sophie's house.

I see Sophie lunge for - what I think she called - Mallowmelt. Percy had eaten some behind her back. I try to stifle a laugh - you guessed it. It didn't work. I was at least able to dial it down to a chuckle when it came out.

Sophie glares at me. I roll my eyes, trying to hide the blush that was weirdly trying to come on my cheeks. TAM! NO TIME TO THINK LIKE THAT! YOU LIKE BIANA! I tell myself.

Lihn looks at me with her eyebrows raised. I shrug, looking away.

She clears her throat shooting me a look that says we'll DEFINETLY be talking later.

Then she turn to Sophie. 

"You are probably confused... so um, I'll start from the beginning." Lihn starts, when Sophie looks at her.

Sophie stops trying to kill Percy and sits down. SO do I and Lihn, though I pull my chair to the corner. 

Lihn continues. "So, um, me, Tam, Keefe, Fitz, Biana, Dex, and Marella, are all part of a secret super hero program. We call ourself the Black Swan. When you join, you get a necklace like this." She says, holding up her necklace with a black swan charm, and her wave charm. "It also has another charm that represents your power." Lihn says.

Sophie raises her eyebrows and frowns. She glances at Percy, then hands Lihn something. 

"I... I got this from my biological parents when I was 5. I've had it ever since." She mumbles.

Lihn glances at the necklace, then hands it to me. I look at it.

It's just like Lihn's, except the Black Swan symbol is more intricate, and instead of waves, she has a charm of a moonlark. I study it. 

I slowly get up and hand the necklace back to Sophie. "Grady and Edaline gave you this?" I ask. 

Sophie looks away. "Not... exactly." She mumbles. Then I realise her choice of words. Her biological parents. Grady and Edaline must have adopted her. 

I'm not exactly the cuddly type, but I go to her and pull her into a hug. She looked like she needed it. She stiffened, but then relaxes into the hug.

When I pull away, she looks much better. She wipes away a tear. 

Then smiles and says "Thanks. Um... my biological parents' identity's were hidden from me, and the only person I know that knows them is a friend of my parent's, named Mr. Forkle."

Lihn and I freeze at the name. 

I try to talk, but my mouth is dry. 

"Mr. Forkle... he... he's one of the Black Swan's leaders." Lihn manages to choke out.


Sophie's POV

I freeze. The world starts to spin, then everything turns to darkness.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ