Chapter 11

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Tam's POV


I pulled up to what I assumed was Sophie's house.

Lihn and I got off, and she ran up to the house.

I roll my eyes at her enthusiasm, but I understand. She rings the doorbell.

A guy with blond hair opens the door. Probably either Sophie or Percy's dad. He looked sort off like Robin Hood and James Bond mixed together. He smiles at Lihn, then spots me. Let's say... he looked at me the opposite was he looked at Lihn. Speaking of Lihn...

"Is Sophie here?" She asked in her sweet voice. The Man looked back at her and smiles. "She's upstairs. She came here with Percy and just ran up there..." he trails off.

Lihn and I glance at each other. I clear my throat. "Um... can you tell her that Tam and Lihn are here to explain?" I ask, sort of intimidated. He narrowed his eyes, but nods, and lets us in to what I presumed was the Living room. Through the (I again presumed) Kitchen door, I spot a red headed lady. She smiles, then comes in.

"So, are you Sophie's new friends?" she asks in a voice almost as sweet as Lihn's, but a voice that can be changed to be intimidating.

Lihn smiles while I just go the dark corner. "We are some of them. Umm.. can I ask your name?" Lihn says.

Maybe-Sophie's-Mom smiles and says "You can call me Edaline. The man who went to get Sophie is Grady. And speaking of Sophie and Grady..." she trails off when she looks at the stairs. I turn to see them. It's Sophie, with Grady's protective arm around her, and Percy off to the side.

She doesn't meet our eyes for a second. Then she looks at us, with a smile. "Hey Tam, Lihn! let's," She glances at her parents "Go up to my room!" I raise an eyebrow, but follow her, Percy, and Lihn up the stairs.


Sophie's POV

Why were Lihn and Tam here? Don't they hate me? Maybe...

As I get to my room, I motion for Tam, Lihn, and Percy to stop. I go in, and quickly flip the switch that makes my room into a sort - of living room. Yes, I know. My room can change between furniture and looks with a flip of a switch. Whatever.

I go in, with the other's traling behind me. 
"Hey, give me a sec. I just need to change out of this." I say, motioning to my outfit. It was wet since I had flown straight into a rain cloud earlier, trying to leave. Lihn and Percy nod, sitting down. Tam just goes to my dark corner. I mentally shrug. It's Tam after all.

I go to my bathroom and grab an outfit. Nothing special...

Anyway, as I came out, Tam was still in the corner, and Lihn and Percy were

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Anyway, as I came out, Tam was still in the corner, and Lihn and Percy were... talking? 

A pang of sadness. I've never talked to someone unrelated to me with that calmness. I never will.

Secretive - Kotlc Human AU - Hidden Series Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora