"Would you all relax?" Trinity rolled her eyes again. "It was a year, one time, I repeat, one singular time, a year ago. We were both drunk off Gally's shucking moonshine."

"I knew it." Daphne mumbled. "I knew it. I'm always right."

"Yes, you are, darling." Newt agreed and Minho rolled his eyes, glaring at him. "What? Am I supposed to do disagree with her? She's never wrong."

"And you didn't tell me?" Daphne looked at her sister.

"No, I didn't tell you," Trinity shrugged.

"I told you." Daphne replied.

"The first time, yeah," Trinity reminded. "The other times I could just tell by the marks Newt made on your neck like he's a shucking vampire or something."

"Was it good?" Frypan asked.

"Frypan!" Trinity and Minho yelled.

"Clearly not, since they only did it once." Newt smirked.

"Newt!" Daphne scolded.

He shrugged, "What? I'm just saying, ever since we did it for the first time, we haven't stopped."

"You need to stop talking immediately." Daphne demanded as Minho stood up from the table, walking over to Thomas who had just entered the room.

"Nene, you're not— Right?" Newt whispered to her.

Daphne gave him a look, whispering back, "No, I'm not pregnant, we're fine. The lady said that if we weren't told anything, we're fine."

Standing up from the table, she sighed, "Okay, I'm hungry now, I'm getting food."

"I'll go with you before Frypan or Winston ask me another question about sex." Trinity stood up, the two sisters walking away from the table.

"What happened?" Daphne asked.

Trinity gave her a look, sighing, "Really, Daph?"

"The whole Glade was waiting for you and Minho to get together, Trin." Daphne admitted. "Why was it only once?"

"We were drunk, really drunk, neither of us remembered what fully happened." Trinity explained. "And when we woke up, we both just agreed that it's better to pretend it didn't happen."

Daphne nodded, understand as she grabbed an apple. Trinity smiled slightly, shaking her head, "Besides, I think I'm more into girls anyways."

"Fair." Daphne shrugged, smiling at her sister proudly as the two walked back, seeing two unfamiliar boys sitting in front of Newt. Thomas and Minho walked back to the table with the girls.

Sitting down next to Newt, Daphne began to listen in on the boys' story. "And there was this big, loud explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere. Started shooting up the place."

"It was intense." The other added. "They pulled us out of the maze and brought us here."

"What about the rest?" Newt spoke up, wrapping an arm around Daphne. "The other people left behind in the maze, what happened to them?"

"I don't know. I guess WICKED still has them." The boy answered.

"How long you guys been here?" Trinity wondered, sitting next to Minho, who grabbed a grape from her plate.

"Not long. Just a day or two." He said, looking over his shoulder. "That kid over there has been here the longest. Almost a week."

The other boy smirked, "His maze was nothing but girls."

"Really?" Minho questioned and Trinity gave him a look.

"Some guys have all the luck." The first boy shrugged, glancing at Daphne and Trinity. "Seems like you boys didn't get too unlucky though."

"I definitely didn't." Newt whispered and Daphne smiled at him.

"Good evening, gentlemen. Ladies. You all know how this works. If you hear your name called... please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me... where they will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin." The group turned around at the sound of Janson's voice. He stood at the front of the room, opening his clipboard. "Connor. Evelyn. Justin. Peter. Allison. Squiggy. Franklin. And Abigail."

Daphne looked around the room, confused by the disappointment on all the kids' faces.

"Now, now, don't get discouraged. If I could take more, I would. There's always tomorrow. Your time will come. Go on, eat up." Janson walked out of the room.

"Where are they going?" Daphne questioned, looking at the two boys.

"Far from here. Lucky bastards." The first spoke.

"Some kind of farm. A safe place. They can only take in a couple of people at a time." The other answered.

"Do you know anything else about the place?" Daphne asked and the boys shook their head.

"What matters is that it's safe, Daph." Newt reminded and she looked down at her food, nodding.


The Gladers walked down the halls, led by a security guard before they stopped at two doors. The guard opened the first door, stopping when Trinity tried to enter.

"What?" Trinity questioned, crossing her arms and the guard opened the other door, gesturing for them to go in. "Really? Separate bunks?"

"I bet you it's because of Daphne and Newt." Minho smirked, entering the boys bunk. "See you girls in the morning."

Daphne looked at Newt, who was already inside the room. He gave her a smile and she nodded, giving him a smile back.

The sisters walked into the room, the guard locking the door behind them. Daphne sat down on a bottom bunk, Trinity jumping to the top. "You gonna be able to sleep, Daph?"

"What?" She looked up at her sister, who peeked her head over the ledge of the top bunk.

"You've slept with Newt for the past two years," Trinity reminded. "You always told me that because of him, you didn't have nightmares."

"I'll be okay." Daphne mumbled.

𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐭𝐦𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭²जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें