She heads up the flights of stairs rather than the elevator, wanting to work her legs a bit. The top floor  is finally met and Karlie raises her fist to knock before the large wooden door is swung wide open. Karlie can't help but smile at the singer's appearance.

        Taylor stands in the doorway in a red and brown onesie. She has a beanie snug on her head and her shoes are adorned with puffy pink slippers. It's clear that the girl likes to live comfortably.

        Karlie walks into her apartment and once again she's bombarded with the reality of just how wealthy Taylor is. She's sure that her ratty studio apartment could fit into Taylor's bathroom probably. 

        "Well, this is my place!" Taylor says matter-of-factly, sweeping her hands out. She leads Karlie around and is surprised to find that the stripper has stopped dead in her tracks as they enter the kitchen. Karlie's jaw is wide open and her eyes are wide and child-like.

        "Holy shit, this place is beautiful. Is that a Kitchen-aid mixer?" Karlie asks in wonderment, pointing to a red contraption in the corner. Taylor crosses her arms in interest and nods.

        "Yeah, it is. Do you like to bake?" Taylor inquires. Karlie nods excitedly, rushing past Taylor to examine everything in the singer's kitchen.

        "I love to. I don't get to very much at my place because there isn't enough counterspace and I never really have enough to buy the materials." Taylor's brows knit at this and she wonders what it's like to live so bare like that.

        "Well, let's bake something then!" Taylor suggests cheerfully.

        "Shit, really?" Karlie questions, her face splitting in half with a toothy grin. She seems like a kid in a candy store and Taylor is genuinely happy that she's seeing this side of Karlie rather than the one she came across in the bathroom at the club.

        "I don't see why not. I'll let you take the reigns, make whatever you want." 

        "Let's go with chocolate chip cookies... can't go wrong with that," Karlie offers, bustling around and shuffling through drawers to find ingredients as Taylor watches with amusement. The singer sits back and lets Karlie enjoy her culinary freedom.

/ / /

        "Fuck, K, these are great." Taylor moans as she bites into the cookie, melted chocolate smearing across her lips. She licks at the chocolate and takes another bite as Karlie giggles.

        "Thanks, I've been using that recipe since I was a kid." Karlie is breaking a cookie in half as she speaks, and her eyes seem to be distant.

        "Well, they're fantastic. You have to write the recipe for these down for me." Taylor pleads and Karlie smiles. The two women both are sitting on opposite chairs facing each other. Karlie is leaned back in one with her feet propped up on the table and Taylor is curled tight in another. Taylor is reaching for another cookie when Karlie gasps. She looks up in concern and looks at Karlie grinning at her pair of cats trotting into the room to investigate the new smells. Meredith keeps her distance and observes the newcomer while Olivia wobbles forward and quickly tries to leap into Karlie's lap. The kitten's paws are too short to get a good grip on the chair so Karlie leans forward and pulls the cat close. The younger girl starts cooing and stroking Olivia's fur.

        "This is quite possibly one of the cutest cats I've ever seen." Karlie whispers as if she's afraid she'll scare off Olivia. Taylor is lovingly smiling at the two and calls Meredith over, who quickly darts to one of the few people she trusts.

        "What's its name? And that one?" Karlie questions, nodding her chin to the bigger version of Olivia settling between Taylor's legs.

        "This one is Meredith," Meredith's ears perk up at the sound of her name and she looks at Taylor inquisitively. "and that one is Olivia."

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