Chapter 46: Mysterious Monsters

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It's been a week since we left Orario. We've been flying for  a while and we haven't reached our destination yet.

"You guys said that it would take a week. Why are we still flying!?" I exclaimed.

"It was to get you to not whine. I knew that you would if we told you how long it took to go there." Artemis replied.

 I looked back down and saw a mother and her child running through the thick forest. Right after seeing this, I summoned one of my shields and jumped onto it and flew over to Artemis and Bell.

"We're going down there. Hurry!" 

Artemis looked down and saw exactly what I saw and brought down the dragon that they where flying on. As we got close to the ground, Me and Artemis both jumped off and rushed through the forest. As we ran through the forest, we saw many glowing red lights that where tailing the mother and child. 

"Snipe." A dart of glowing white magic appeared and shot through the air. and just like that, a puff of smoke. But the red lights still glowed through the trees.

Just ahead, there was an opening the forest. They were surrounded by a large amount of scorpion looking monsters.

Before I even knew it, Artemis was already fighting these monsters. But just as fast as she joined the fight, she was knocked down by one of the scorpions. Suddenly the memories of what happened at the pleasure quarter. 

'Why can't I do more? Why can't I help? Why can't I move? I don't want to lose anyone, so why cant I do anything?'


The sound of that explosion broke me out of my thoughts. In front of me, I saw Bell's spear in the middle of a large crater and magic stones.

"Please don't be so reckless Artemis!" Bell started with a stern expression.

Bell's statement was only met by a giggle from Artemis. "Last time someone said that to me was was when Acro was a little kid."

"I-I uhh I'm being exposed." I stated with a very obvious blush on my face. 

"C'mon little Ako. You were suck a good little kid back then. Why can't you give be a bit more of that, you don't have to do it forever. Can you just do it for one day?" She pouted.

"Nope, I'm not doing that." 

"can't you just do it for an hour? I mean, its not that hard to do." Natsuki asked.

"easy for you to day." 

"Umm, Thank you so much for helping us."

"No problem. It's only natural that we'd help."

"Do you know where these monster came from?" Welf enquired.

"Nothing, we heard that the nearby villages where being attacked and then, out of the blue your village was attacked too."

"I've seen many different types of monsters but I haven't seen any that nooks like that." I stated.



"I did it!!!"

"Congrats, that should help you to at least defend yourselves." I said as I patted the girls head. "Just work on your aim and you should be able to get rid of a horde. Remember, you gotta know when to stop and run."

"Thank you very much Grey Ghost." 

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad to know that you can defend yourselves better."

"Well, we have to go. Goodbye and thanks for the help." The mother bowed.

"G 'bye!"

"So, why did you have to give away most of our food?" Lili asked angrily.

"We've got only bread left." Welf stated as he opened a sack that was full of only bread. 

"That's no problem, I don't need to eat."

"Lies." I retorted. 

"Plus, even if you didn't we'd still need to eat too." Lili added.

"I think I have an idea on what we can eat." Me and Bell both said at the same time. 


It was night and we had a few Masalanut fruits sitting on the campfire.

"Alright, that should do." I said as I picked up one of the fruits and cut it in half with my katar. Inside one of the halves, there was a melted pup that sat at the bottom of of. "There you go, that should be just fine to eat." I passed the fruit over to Hestia. 

"How do you guys even know that you could do that?" Aki asked as she cut open her own fruit. 

"Well, I learnt most of this stuff that concerns magic and food from Lante."

"Who's Lante?" 

"Lante's a member from Artemis's familia." I replied. "Now that I think about it, where's Coco, Ruth and Lante?"

There was complete silence. I looked over at Hermes and he gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. They're fine, They're already there waiting for us. Anyways enough on that, lets dig in."

"You know, this is actually kinda good." Aki said as she took another bite of the fruit.

"Why didn't you tell me that you could do this?" Natsuki asked.

"Cause you didn't ask. Plus, even if I did we couldn't do it. These things don't grow at our place."

"Hey Ako, say Ahhh." Artemis held out her spoon.

"Fine." I said as I ate the food that was in the spoon. 

"Hmm, so you're fine with that but you aren't fine with her doing anything else that treats you as a little kid." Hestia chimed in.

"I only did that because she throws a fit when I don't." I yawned. "Welp, that's all for me. Make sure you don't stay out too late, we've got a long day tomorrow." 

Danmachi:a new faceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें