Chapter 24

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Lol, I'm back fuckers. Finally finished my homework and I got nothing else better to do so now I'm here!

I asked you guys last chapter if I could do some solo chapters with those revolving around specific SMP members and a handful of you guys appeared to like the idea so I'm gonna do it! It might start the next chapter, it might start here. You'll never know...actually you will know if you read BUT THAT AIN'T IMPORTANT!

Btw I saw that my book reached over 15ok reads which first all, holy fucking crap that's a lot. And secondly, thank you all so much for reading! I know I say this shit every other chapter but I really do appreciate it!

Well, that's all I have to say for now and now we can head forth into the chapter!


3rd Person P.O.V (With 1-A)

          "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Bakugo yelled, finally letting out his anger and fury that he's been storing in for the past hour or so. The class looked at each other, not really knowing how to respond to the blonde. They barely knew themselves. The info was given to them just felt like a pile. They understood what had happened but at the same time, everything was just mush inside their heads.

          "Ahem, so...what should we do now with all of this info? Should we tell the teachers? Or possibly Principal Nezu?" Momo began to speak up, trying to start and lead a conversation with her classmates. She looked over at them, seeing them in their thoughts. It was a bit of a tough decision to make. They never said they couldn't tell anyone else but they'd all feel guilty I'd they had. They didn't want to just go out and tell everyone else about their own personal life.

          "Mmm, I'm not sure. Maybe at most, we should tell Mr. Aizawa. That is if we can even summarize the summary they told us. But I do feel like he needs to know since they are going to be in our class for who knows how long." Midoriya added, writing down some stuff on some scratch paper.

          "Do you think they're dangerous? They have such great abilities and most of them don't even have quirks. Are you sure we're safe with them just roaming around U.A?" Uraraka asked, beginning to worry again. While their "guests" have been mostly nice to them, they all had this...aura to them. Like their kindness wasn't fully sincere. It scared her a bit. Made her think a bit too much.

1-A only continued to discuss for the rest of the night until near the crack of dawn. So much needed to be uncovered and unexplained, they were surprised they didn't finish later. Within their little class meeting, they came up with a little plan. A plan to keep an eye out for their special guests. They all have the benefit of the doubt for them, knowing all of the harsh treatment they've gone through, but they'll still keep their eyes out just in case.

"Well, that shall be it for tonight. Or shall I say for this morning? It's is now 2:45 am! And all of us need to be up by 6 in order for us to get ready and have breakfast as a class! Due to these circumstances, I will allow you guys to have some of the energy drinks that are stored the in kitchen. This is a one-time thing, for energy drinks should only be drank near the afternoon! Now, we should all head to our dorm rooms now! Goodnight my fellow classmates!" Iida finished as he gave a small bow to his classmates before heading to the halls, his classmates soon following.

Next Morning. With the DreamSMP

Slowly one by one the members of the SMP woke up and headed downstate the communal area. They'd all chat away with each other while eating their breakfast. But of course, they all soon had to bring up who'd want to go to the school today. With what had happened yesterday, many of them were tired and worn out, most of them being up in the first place due to them just being hungry. When they all finished eating they'd all just head back upstairs and continue to sleep.

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